Fruits & Vegetables

Weight Loss For Beginners: Identifying Obstacles

Losing weight can be difficult.

Some people try to lose weight their whole lives only to lose and gain the same ten pounds over and over again. I myself have struggled with my weight at various times in my life.

Growing up overweight, out of shape, lost and confused is a big part of why I am so passionate about helping others lose weight.

Shoot, just in the last few years I put on weight and had to lose it yet again. 

Sometimes, effort just isn’t enough to cause results that you can see.

What I've learned, and relearned because I am stubborn, is that a lot of effort put toward an ineffective plan won't get you the results you want.

Therefore, in this article, I’ll try to help answer the question “Why can’t I lose weight?”

So you can make sure you can put your effort in the right areas to get the results you want.

There are five key factors that we’ve included that tend to prevent weight loss, and we’ve included tips on how you can reverse the things keeping you from losing weight.

Why Can’t I Lose Weight

There are many reasons why it might be hard for you to lose weight … notice I said, it might be hard for you to lose weight … NOT impossible.

6 Ways To Improve Fat Loss

That is one of the first things I personally had to overcome ... the self-doubting beliefs that I was not meant to lose weight…

I thought I was supposed to be fat…

I thought I was just destined to be fat ... which is not the case. 

So yes, you might be struggling to lose weight, but it is not impossible.

We just have to uncover the true reason why you are not earning the weight loss results you want, and then make adjustments. 

Here’s a weight loss for beginners guide with five reasons you might be struggling to lose weight.

Reason #1 – Because You’re Stressed Out

If you’re stressed out, and frankly who isn’t these days, it can lead to unfavorably high levels of cortisol.

Cortisol and stress get a bit of a bad rap.

We actually need small amounts of stress in our life.

The problem is that due to the society we live in, we are constantly under stress.

This constant stress is what has the adverse effects and makes it challenging to lose weight due to elevated cortisol levels.

Not only does stress lead to more fat storage, but it will also increase cravings for fat, salt, and sugar. Making it harder to stick to your nutrition plan!

This stress can be physical, mental, emotional ... or a combination of any or all of them!

Therefore, a good practice to help lower stress levels is to find what you consider relaxing, and implement it into your daily routine.

You can also look into supplementation to help your body deal with stress and anxiety.

No matter what though, allotting yourself some time for self-care and relaxation can really benefit your mental and physical health.

Reason #2 – Because You Don’t Sleep Enough

You sleep to recharge your body. If you don’t get enough sleep, you feel … sleepy.

So far, I’ve said nothing that isn’t already obvious, right?

But remember that when you’re tired, your body is much more likely to crave high-calorie foods.

How To Sleep: Your Guide in Facts

The problem is most people do not need extra calories ... which makes it VERY challenging to stay on track with the nutrition plan.

That’s because your body wants to convert those calories into energy so it’ll feel less sleepy.

Also, not getting the proper amount of rest can really mess with your metabolism.

Sleep is an important aspect of your life and optimal amounts are needed to allow your body to work effectively.

Whether it’s decreasing how many calories are burned by your body, increases in hormones that cause you to eat more food or less healthy foods in general, the impact of crappy sleep rears its ugly head in many directions.

Even 30 minutes less of sleep can result in an increased risk of weight gain. You can learn more in this blog.

Reason #3 – Because You Eat Too Much

This seems obvious and should be the #1 point here, but the truth is that many people just eat too much.

Not only that, but most people don’t eat nearly as healthily as they think they do.

Shoot, I know I have fallen into this category.

I would eat peanut butter throughout the day thinking it was a good protein source, never taking into account that it has over twice as much fat as protein, the protein isn’t a complete protein source, and that it was very high in calories. But hey, I’m sure we all have some examples of mistakes we have made.

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For example, sure you might have a salad every day for lunch, but how many calories are in the salad’s toppings?

How about in the dressing?

How about in the croutons, avocado, and other items?

Certainly, a good salad is a "healthy" option and for getting fiber and protein ... but you may also need to cut back on the calories.

It’s simply very unlikely that you’ll out-exercise a high-calorie diet.

This is where tracking your food for a week can be a great first step to figuring out why you can’t lose weight.

Portion control is important when it comes to weight loss. You may be eating too much of the wrong foods, and the nutrition labels aren’t much help.

Society tells us to eat more than we need which results in excess or unnecessary weight, as well as feeling stuffed or perpetually hungry.

Consider calorie counting, or following a macro-based plan, as the plan to help you lose weight.

Understanding proper serving sizes for YOU and some rough ideas of nutritional values can help you stay on track and have more consistent weight loss.

How To Transform Your Body - 8 Habits to Learn

Reason #4 – Because Your Genetics Make It Difficult

I know before I said I thought this was me, and there is some truth to that.

Not all people have the same body type.

Some people collect more fat around their bellies.

Some people just tend to gain weight more easily.

Some people gain the same muscle mass in months that takes other people years.

So yes, your genetics might make it more challenging to lose weight, but once again … not impossible.

Don’t use this as the reason you aren’t where you want to be.

Instead, use it as knowledge to help you make necessary adjustments to your lifestyle to earn the results you want. 

Reason #5 – You’re Missing On The Details

You might be eating right and exercising and yet you’re still not seeing results that you want.

That could come from a host of reasons.

Some might be that you are not fulfilling your micronutrient demands for the day.


Just like hitting your calories and macros are important, getting in the appropriate amount of micronutrients is just as important.

That’s where Micro Factor comes in to be your baseline supplement to your body operating more effectively, by fulfilling your daily essential nutrients.

You might also have some underlying gut issues of poor digestion.

See, eating healthy is great … but if you can’t effectively break it down and absorb it, it’s not nearly as beneficial … which could lead to you struggling to lose weight.

Adding in Opti-Greens 50 can help improve your digestion and overall gut health among many other things.

So your body can partition nutrients properly for a healthy metabolism, energy productions, hormonal production, and day-to day-operations.

Note: One very important detail that I have not mentioned yet is water intake. A general rule of thumb is to consume at least 100 to 120 ounces of water each day. This is essential for our overall metabolism and just helping us live a healthier lifestyle overall!

How To Start Losing Weight For Beginners

While there are obstacles to losing weight, there are some pretty standardized ways to start your weight loss journey. 

I used these strategies to kickstart my weight loss. 

Here are 6 basics to actually losing that weight you’re trying to shed. 

Eating Healthy

Step one is to make sure you’re eating the right foods. 

Like I mentioned earlier, not eating too much is an important part of losing weight. 

But you also have to be eating well. 

First up on the chopping block of your diet is processed foods. 

Processed foods include everything like: 

  • Cheese
  • Breakfast cereal
  • Bread
  • Sausages
  • Chips
  • Canned vegetables
  • Microwave meals
  • Bacon
  • Ham
  • Condiments
  • Alcoholic beverages
  • Canned fish
  • Fruits in syrups

I don’t really have to explain that candy, cake, soda, and those kinds of foods should be limited. 

But it can be eye opening to see just how many things you might eat daily could be hurting our weight loss goals. 

So try to swap out as many processed foods as possible with whole and fresh foods. 

Instead of opening a can of green beans, buy them fresh. 

Instead of downing a can of tuna, buy fresh fish and eat that. 

The second facet of healthy eating is to make sure you’re getting enough of the most nutritious foods. 

To have a well-balanced diet, you need to strike the right balance of protein, fat, fiber, and vegetables in your diet. 

Here’s how much you might need each day: 

  • An average of 45g of protein for women or 55g for men
  • About 80g of vegetables five times a day
  • About 25g to 30g of fiber per day (not from supplements)
  • Limiting fats to 20–35% of your daily calories

Exercising Regularly

In addition to a good diet, you also need to make sure you’re getting enough exercise regularly. 

You need two types of exercise: cardio and strength training. 

Here are the recommendations for how much cardio and strength you need: 

  • Cardio: Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous activity (or some combination of the two)
  • Strength training: Do strength training exercises for all major muscle groups at least two times a week. When you do your exercises, do a single set of each exercise with enough weight until your muscles are tired after 12 to 15 reps. 

Looking for exercise ideas? 

These are some moderate aerobic exercises: 

  • Walking
  • Mowing the lawn
  • Swimming casually
  • Biking
  • Tennis doubles
  • Badminton 
  • Roller skating leisurely
  • Yoga
  • Gymnastics
  • Line dancing
  • Shooting baskets
  • Downhill skiing
  • Diving
  • Surfing
  • Fencing

Now for some vigorous exercise suggestions: 

  • Running
  • Swimming laps
  • Rock climbing
  • Biking fast or uphill
  • Aerobic dancing
  • Jumping rope
  • Kickboxing
  • Jumping jacks
  • Tennis singles
  • Clogging
  • Most competitive sports like football, rugby, and soccer
  • Racquetball
  • Cross-country skiing
  • Water polo
  • Kayaking rapids
  • Speed skating

There’s an exercise for everyone

Plus there are enough out there that you can have good variety to keep yourself regularly active. 

Drink Lots of Water

This tip might seem overly simple. 

Water? Really? 


Water is a natural appetite suppressant

When you drink water, it takes up space in your stomach, and that makes you feel less hungry. 

After all, there’s less room in your stomach. 

On top of that, some people will think they’re hungry when really they’re just thirsty. 

Researchers did a study where they had overweight patients drink a lot of water throughout the day, and they lost weight. 

So make sure you’re drinking water a lot throughout the day. 

You might consider drinking a glass or two about 30 minutes before a meal on top of what you normally drink throughout the day. 

Set Realistic Goals

I get it… you want to lose weight, and you want to lose it now. 

The bad news is that it isn’t realistic. 

You can lose weight with the right strategies, but it’s going to be a more gradual process. 

Setting unrealistic goals on what you’re planning to lose will only discourage you. 

There’s a reason so many people give up on their New Year’s resolutions only a few weeks into the year. 

Having too high of expectations makes reality look disappointing. 

But here’s the thing: you can lose weight. You just have to be realistic about it. 

So set a goal of losing about 1–2 pounds per week, and let the results come naturally. 

Instead, focus your goals on improving your habits. 

Set goals to improve your exercise and nutrition habits. 

Set a goal to drink more water! 

That will help you reach your end goal more effectively than trying to lose 5 pounds a week. 

Be Accountable

While you shouldn’t beat yourself up for falling short, you do need to hold yourself accountable. 

Don’t let your expectations for yourself slide. 

If you’re not doing the necessary things to lose weight, you need to be honest with yourself and admit that. 

Telling yourself you just can’t lose weight isn’t going to help you get to where you want. 

Make yourself a schedule for exercise, and carefully plan your meals to include all the right nutrients. 

Consider an accountability partner that will help encourage you to workout and eat right. 

Consult Experts at 1st Phorm 

Here’s the honest truth: weight loss isn’t something you have to do alone. 

Weight loss is also a science

There are experts who know exactly how to help you lose weight, and you can utilize these resources in your journey. 

For example, consult the experts at 1st Phorm. 

These are the people who know all about creating individualized plans to help you lose the weight you want.

Frequently Asked Questions

How fast can you lose weight? 

The speed of weight loss varies based on factors like starting weight, metabolism, genetics, and lifestyle; adopting a holistic approach focused on health is key. 

What is the first thing to do to start losing weight?

Step one is to start creating great habits. Focus on drinking water, eating healthy, getting better sleep, and exercising. 

How is fat loss different from weight loss?

Weight loss involves a decrease in overall body weight, including water, muscle, and fat. 

Fat loss focuses on reducing body fat while preserving or increasing lean muscle mass.

What is the fastest way to lose weight?

The fastest way to kickstart weight loss is to combine diet and exercise, cut down on processed foods and sugary snacks, and reduce calorie intake. 

Remember that consistency is key; it’s not an instant process. 

Working hard will get you further.

Can Supplements Help Me Lose Weight?

But past that, there are supplements that can help optimize your metabolism, cut your calorie intake, and help preserve lean muscle tissue.

1st Phorm's fat burning supplements, meal replacement shakes, and protein supplements can help with this and more.

These supplements will not fix poor, unhealthy habits ... but they will help optimize the good things you’re doing for your body.

You can’t just take a supplement and expect to lose weight, you have to be doing the work with your nutrition and training to effectively lose weight.

If you’re not ready to change and aren’t going to change some habits, don’t waste your money on supplements as they are not magic.

YOU have to do the work.

Customer Service - 1st Phorm

If you’re interested in learning more about what 1st Phorm can do to help you lose more weight, come and check out our supplements.

We’re proud of our products, yes, but we also know that our team of NASM Certified Personal Trainers and NASM Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist can help you lose weight! Oh, and we’ll help you for free! 

If you need any help with this, please feel free to give us a call at 1 800 409 9732 or send us an email.

If you’re ready to get started with exercising and eating great, download the 1st Phorm app

The app features plans, workout videos, and recipes to push you along in your weight loss journey.