The Best High-Carb Low-Fat Foods

The Best High-Carb Low-Fat Foods

I am sure you've heard at least one negative thing about carbs. I know I have.

“Carbs make you fat.”

“If you want to lose weight, you have to cut carbs.”

False and false. Even though carbs are often framed as the enemy, that is NOT the truth.

While there are high-carb foods that aren’t good for you, there are also high-carb foods that are full of valuable nutrients your body needs.

Carbs can actually be a great thing to help with fueling your body. After all, they are your body’s main (and preferred) source of fuel. Your body uses primarily carbs for energy during high-intensity and resistance training workouts. On top of that, they even help give your brain the energy it needs to help your body function (1).

When it comes to health and fitness goals … I’ve found that most people feel their best, are most consistent, and see great results with a sufficient amount of carbs in their diet. This is true for people trying to gain muscle and lose weight alike!

If anything, you don’t want to be conscious of carbs ... you want to be conscious of your calories.

The one time you can get in trouble with carbohydrates is if you’re eating too many. You can also get in trouble when the carbs you’re eating aren’t the best for you.

I’ve found that the worst carbohydrates are also high in fat. Usually, it's not the good kind either. This would be foods like chips, cake, cookies, ice cream, and all the processed, unhealthy junk foods we know and love.

If you’re looking for good, nutrient-dense carbs, I’ve got you covered.

Heck, maybe you’re already following a nutrition plan and you’re looking to increase your carb intake while keeping your fats in a good range. In that case, this list is for you too.

Let’s take a look at the best high-carb and low-fat foods you can incorporate to your plan.

High-Carb Low-Fat Foods

Trust me when I say, none of these carbs are ultra-processed. In fact, if you follow a healthy lifestyle, you may already eat quite a few of these carbs!

Let’s dive into the list so you are equipped to make the best decision when it comes to picking out the carb sources that are best for you and your goals.

1. Fruits

A lot of people don’t even realize it, but fruits are a source of carbohydrates. Some of you are probably reading this right now thinking, “No way!” Well, they are.

On top of that, fruit is typically comprised of mostly natural sugars. Sugar is a carbohydrate too, just a more simple form of one.

For most fruits, you will get 20 grams or more of carbs and less than 1g of fat per serving.

Apples, oranges, berries, and more are all great options for a high-carb, low-fat snack.

2. Vegetables

Vegetables are a great source of nutrients, and while a lot of them are low fat, not a lot of them are necessarily “high-carb.” Typically, the darker green-colored vegetables will be the ones that are low in both carbs and fats.

There are a few vegetables like sweet potatoes, squash, and corn which are great options that will have more carbs. On top of that, some vegetables can have naturally occurring dietary fibers which can be great for your digestion and overall health.

3. Low-Fat Dairy Products

Now, not all dairy is going to fit into this category. A lot of dairy products are a lot higher in fat than what may be ideal for you.

For this reason, whole-fat dairy options like yogurt and milk are not going to be the best. However, skim milk, greek yogurt, and other low-fat dairy products can often have a decent amount of carbs and as little as zero fats in some cases.

When you’re shopping around for low-fat dairy options, make sure to check the nutrition label to see just how many carbs and fats you’re getting. You may find one or two options that can work great for you!

4. Legumes

Even if you don’t know what a legume is, I’m sure you’ve had one before. That’s because legumes are foods like beans, peas, and lentils. Believe it or not, one cup of black beans can give you up to 40 grams of carbs and only 1 gram of fat.

As long as you prepare them without using fatty oils or condiments, legumes are generally higher in carbs and lower in fats. They can also work with a lot of dishes.

I personally like adding black beans to my salads and even with some rice and chicken.

5. Whole Grains

Grains are, for the most part, what most people think of when they hear the word “carb.” These are foods like pasta, oats, bread, rice, and more.

Whole grains happen to be an awesome source of carbohydrates while also being low on the fat side of things. Now, the reason why I recommend going whole grains over refined grains is for the nutritional value.

Whole grains still have the bran and germ which give the grains most of its vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Refined grains have the bran and germ removed, leaving just the endosperm. Just keep that in mind when you shop for grains.

6. Supplements

If you’re still struggling to get the carbs you need without going overboard on fat, there are also supplements that can help. Ironically enough, these supplements are typically made from the whole foods we talked about above.

A great example of this would be our Carb-1 powder. Each scoop of Carb-1 gives you 26 grams of carbs and only 2 grams of fat. Plus, the carbs in Carb-1 are sourced from whole oats and sweet potatoes.

All you have to do is mix Carb-1 with a sustained assimilation protein shake like our Level-1 or Vegan Power Pro for a well-rounded meal.

Reaching Your Goals With High-Carb Low-Fat Foods

Unfortunately, I have some bad news for you. If you’re hoping to add these to your nutrition and see dramatic changes, you may or may not.

Why is that? Well, because you can’t just eat low-fat carbohydrate sources and expect to earn the results you want. If you aren’t tracking your nutrition as a whole, including your calories, protein, carbs, and fat … you are left playing a guessing game.

Like I said, carbs won’t make you fat. Eating more calories than you’re burning will though! Plus, if you’re not eating enough protein … you won’t be able to build or maintain muscle for a toned look.

In addition to all of that, not getting enough healthy fats can cause issues as well. So really, carbs are just one of the macros you need to balance in order to see the best results possible.

This is where we can help out. If you aren’t tracking your nutrition, a great place you can start is by downloading the 1st Phorm App.

We designed it to be the ultimate all-in-one tool for your health and fitness goals. Not only can you log your food and track your nutrition to make sure you’re on track … you also get so much more:

• 1-on-1 messaging with your own certified advisor
• Progress tracking and body metrics
• Educational live streams and instructional videos
• A full library of workout programs for your goals

You can even enter any of our 8-Week Transformation Challenges for your chance to win $25,000 and get in the best shape of your life!

The 1st Phorm App is a community, tool, and resource for accountability that you can’t get anywhere else.

So if you’re ready to finally earn the results you’ve always wanted, download the app and get started today!

If there’s anything we can do to help out in the meantime, reach out to us. Our team of NASM Certified Personal Trainers and Nutrition Coaches are more than happy to help out. Just give us a call at 1-800-409-9732 or send us an email at anytime!

Or, if you're looking to add a convenient high-carb, low-fat option: check out Carb-1 today!


(1) Holesh, Julie E., et al. “Physiology, Carbohydrates.” StatPearls, StatPearls Publishing, 12 May 2023.