1st Phorm Elite Athlete Jenna Fail


Fitness Coach | Charleston, SC


Hey y’all! My name is Jenna Fail. I live in a small town in South Carolina and I'm a happy wife/fur-mama! I began my fitness journey in 2011 with one simple goal: to be better. 9 years later, through many ups and downs, that’s still my daily goal. It’s been my pleasure to share my journey thus far and teach many along the way that with that one simple goal, you can change your entire life.




what got you into fitness

I began my fitness journey one night after seeing Jay Cutler at a meet and greet. Although I wasn’t super into fitness, my husband Chris wanted to go, so we did. The expo had many girls walking around in sports bras. I couldn’t imagine having that much body confidence! I was bundled up in a sweater. I decided right then & there that I was going to commit to a better me. I trashed all the junk food in my house that night, prepped some chicken & rice, got a gym membership the next day ... I haven’t looked back!

what's your Source of inspiration

My husband. Chris got into fitness years before me ... and watching not only his body transform, but his confidence, attitude, and drive made me want to try it too. To this day he remains the most driven and committed person I know! He is the epitome of no excuses and keeps me inspired to give my best!

what's your go-to cheat meal

Chips and dip! You just can’t beat a good chip! Now if I get chips and dip as an appetizer to some wings, pizza, and beer ... that’s a good day!

what's your favorite tv show

I’d go with Breaking Bad. Having seen it several times from start to finish, I really admire the small details and tie-ins that are easily overlooked, yet very impressive. Everything I’ve seen of Vince Gilligan's is writing gold.

what does 'never settle' mean to you

To me, 'Never Settle' means living with passion, drive, integrity, and intention. It means never giving up and never giving in.

what's your biggest achievement

I am incredibly honored to wear the title of a 1st Phorm Elite Athlete. I am humbled to have been chosen as 1st Phorm’s 2017 Athlete of the Year and 2016 Trainer of the Year! Just typing that feels surreal!

what keeps you going

The idea of not improving ... not just me, but my team and those around me. I want to be of value and service to everyone I can. If I’m not trying my best ... I’m not happy.

how has 1st Phorm changed your life

Becoming a part of 1st Phorm has changed my life in every way possible. They have changed my mentality, my effort, and I have grown my passions far beyond what I thought they could be! They have given me the opportunity for an incredible career that I am excited to wake up each day and participate in! They have provided the most incredible once in a lifetime experiences that just keep getting better! Many of the fondest memories I have are with the 1P team. The team has honestly become like family, and I am forever thankful to have crossed paths with them all!



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