4-Week Gym Workout Plan to Get Bigger and Leaner

There is a key factor in getting bigger and leaner that many have heard, but do not realize the importance of...

It's your nutrition!

The reason why I bring this up before talking about a 4-week body transformation program is that I want you to know the truth.

The truth is ... without supporting your body with the nutrition it needs, you will not get the results you want from ANY workout program.

You can save yourself a big headache by getting a plan together and putting just as much effort into it as you do for your workout each day!

One caveat is that gaining muscle and losing body fat at the same time, also referred to as “body recomposition”, is a difficult thing to do.

How to Transform Your Body - 8 Habits to Learn

It's not impossible, but focusing on one or the other is sometimes your best bet.

The good news is ... resistance training has a positive effect on losing body fat, just as it does on gaining lean muscle.

Now, on top of a solid nutrition plan, you will want a great training program.

I understand that workouts and fitness look different for everyone, and there truly is not a "one size fits all" approach...

However, if you follow this 4-week workout plan and truly put in the work (both in and out of the gym), you can start to earn the real results you're looking for!

How This 4-Week Transformation Plan Works

Now, are you going to look like Mr. Olympia after this 4-week transformation program? Probably not…

But you can set yourself up to earn real results and even gain some lean muscle in that time ... especially if you follow the plan and simply focus on progressing each week.

See, you do not need some crazy workout or complex exercise to get bigger or leaner. The basic movements, when done correctly and with proper form, can allow you to earn results.

A term that you will hear me talk about is Progressive Overload. Basically, it means to do the same movement each week, while increasing the workload in small increments whenever possible...

Whether that simply means adding more reps — going from 8 reps to 10 reps in your sets...

Or increasing weight — curling 17.5 lbs. instead of the 15 lbs. from last week.

By following a plan that has similar movements, and working on progressing in those movements ... you can gain strength as well as lean muscle.

Diet Tips

As I mentioned above, what you eat will play a massive role in the results you earn. So, before I get into the workout, I want to briefly cover 3 very helpful parts of a solid nutrition plan.

That actually brings up a good point.

Are You Drinking Enough Water?

I would encourage you to follow a nutrition plan designed for your goals & lifestyle ... just as you are going to have one for your workout.

1) Drink 100-120 oz of water daily. Your body is made up of mostly water, and so are your muscles.

Because of that ... being hydrated not only helps you feel better, have more energy, and improve metabolism ... but it can help muscular function as well.

2) Consume an optimal amount of protein. Getting adequate amounts of protein to survive will only get you so far.

Instead, it's a good rule-of-thumb to consume around 0.8-1.2 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight every day.

Now, if you are not familiar with how to do that, you can download the 1st Phorm App and work with a personal advisor who is a NASM Certified Nutrition Coach.

3) Use proper supplementation for your goals and needs. Supplements are not 100% necessary to earn real results, but they can play a big role, especially in the post-workout setting.

A high-quality post-workout supplement can allow you to maximize your recovery AFTER your workout ... helping you capitalize on all of the hard work you're putting in during your workouts.

Here is a blog that has more information on how a post-workout drink can help you earn better results after your workouts.


I know I said I would get into the 4-week workout plan...

BUT the warm-up IS part of the workout.

Priming your muscles, joints, and nervous system can help tremendously when it comes to performing at your best ... and reducing the chance of injury.

But what does a good warm-up look like?

Mobility Exercises: Move With Confidence

A good general recommendation for a warm-up is to include some mobility, dynamic stretching, and a few minutes of something that elevates your heart rate slightly.

For Example:

• 3-5 minutes of mobility stretches that will target the areas being worked.
• 3-5 minutes of dynamic stretching
• 3-5 minutes of steady cardio (walking, elliptical, rower, bike)

The Workout Plan

Day 1: Chest and Triceps

 Exercise Sets Reps
Barbell Bench Press 3 10-12
Incline Dumbbell Press 3 10-12
Cable Fly 3 10-12
Close-Grip Bench Press 3 8-10
Tricep Cable Pushdown 3 10-12
EZ-Bar Skull Crushers 3 10-12
Single-Arm Dumbbell Tricep Kickback 3 10-12

Day 2: Back and Biceps

 Exercise Sets Reps
Wide-Grip Pull-Ups 3 6-12
Barbell Rows 3 10-12
Lat Pulldown 3 10-12
Close-Grip Seated Cable Row 3 10-12
Single-Arm Dumbbell Curls 3 10-12
EZ-Bar Preacher Curl 3 10-12
Cable Hammer Curls 3 10-12


Day 3: Legs and Core

 Exercise Sets Reps
Leg Extensions (Warm-Up) 3 12-15
Barbell Squats 3 10-12
Leg Press 3 10-12
Bulgarian Split Squats 3 10-12
Hamstring Curl 3 10-12
Calf Raises 4 12-15


Day 4: Shoulders

 Exercise Sets Reps
 Dumbbell Shoulder Press 3 10-12
Lateral Dumbbell Raise 3 10-12
Front Cable Raise 3 10-12
EZ-Bar Upright Row 3 10-12
Barbell Shrugs 4 10-12


Day 5: Arms

 Exercise Sets Reps
V-Bar Tricep Pushdown 3 10-12
Barbell Curl 3 10-12
Superset A:  Overhead Tricep Extension 3 10-12
Superset A:  Hammer Curl 3 10-12
Superset B: Bench Dips 3 10-12
Superset B: Standing EZ Bar Curl 3 10-12
Underhand Tricep Pushdown 3 10-12
Single-Arm Preacher Curl 3 10-12


Day 6: Rest

• Active Rest Day - This is a great day to go for an extended walk, and get some additional movement, along with stretching and mobility. 

Day 7: Rest

• Use one of your days to relax, rest up, and recover ... along with getting ready for the next week with things like meal prepping! Then, all you have to do is follow this program for 4 weeks before switching it up!

One Final Tip...

These "Days" can be completed in whichever order works best for you ... but just make sure you complete each workout once per week.

And for the rest days, you can plug them in between workout days, or have them as the weekend. Again, you'll need to find the schedule that works the best for you.

As stated above, you will follow this program for at least 4 weeks...

Download the 1st Phorm App

Note: As you progress each week and get stronger ... you can add reps or weight to the lift (without compromising proper form) to continue pushing your limits.

Then, after the first 4 weeks, you can decide whether to do this 4-week program again or download the 1st Phorm App.

With the 1st Phorm App ... you'll get access to a full library of different workout programs that can be done in a gym, as well as at-home.

You'll also receive one-on-one coaching for your nutrition, workouts, lifestyle, recipes, and so much more!

Oh, and while you're putting in the work ... if you ever have any questions at all, don't hesitate to reach out to our NASM Certified Customer Service team for help.

We'll work with you to find the answers you need to start (or continue) earning the best results possible this year!