Crossfit Athlete | Brooklyn, NY

About Cavan

My goal is to show you that we can accomplish our goals by doing the work every single day. I used to weigh nearly 300lbs with a 40 inch waist. I used to spend my time hanging in parking lots, bars, and with “friends” wasting time with cigarettes and alcohol, because I thought that was “cool". What wasn’t cool was having to come home to look at who I saw in the mirror.


I dug myself into a hole that only I could climb out of. I believe that we can all become better by making small, seemingly meaningless decisions everyday. These small, yet difficult choices will have the biggest impact on our lives. Slowly but surely we can become the version of ourselves that we want to be. Along the way, I lost my father. Sad, but it happened.


I saw this moment as an opportunity to identify the people that needed help taking their first steps towards better health. I knew I could help everyone who needed that push.

Today, you can find me running around NYC and Brooklyn taking care of my team and athletes at WillyB CrossFit! I also help others across the country with my brother, Derek at Hidden Summit. I am always going to train hard. What I lack in talent, I’ll make up in hard work.


I love CrossFit. It literally saved my life. When I’m not training or at work, you can be sure to find me eating delicious food ... or most likely on some little adventure with my fiancé, Lindsay.

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Cavan's Playlist

Cavan's Favorite Supplements



"Full Mega is a life saver for my joint pain! With how much I beat up my body, and how little healthy fat I consume... It's a game changer!"



"Ultra-Formance is my favorite supplement to take during training. Since I train with a lot of intensity for long periods of time, it helps me prevent muscle breakdown and improve my endurance."



"My go-to supplement after training! The watermelon is freakin' delicious and has changed the recovery game for me big time! I drink it after every training session with Ignition!"