Police Officer & Powerlifter | St. Louis, MO
About Nick
I have been with the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department for the last 13 years and I am currently a sergeant. I am a proud husband and father to two boys. I have competed in powerlifting since 2007 and have won 3 National titles in the USA Powerlifting organization. I was a National team member three times, competing in the International Powerlifting Federation World Championship (2nd place finish in 2010). I also competed as a member of Team USA in the 2013 World Games, and I'm an 8 time Arnold Classic competitor. I have been a proud 1st Phorm athlete since 2010.
Connect With Nick
What got you into fitness
I got into lifting weights and eventually powerlifting by playing sports when I was younger. In order to become better, I started lifting weights. In high school I became a gym rat with a pursuit of strength, which continues today. I really got involved in powerlifting when my college football days were over. I was searching for a platform to be competitive, and powerlifting was a great avenue to do that.
What's Your Source of Inspiration
When I first started powerlifting, my inspiration was my Uncle John Ware. John was the first man to beat Bill Kazmaier's record total in the super heavyweight division. Watching his determination in reaching his goals was something I admired greatly, and inspired me to get stronger. Now my inspiration is my wife and our two boys. There is no one who works harder than my wife ... she is always making sure everything gets done, and our schedules are set. I use my boys as inspiration knowing they watch and see everything we do. I want to set a good example and form good habits for them in their future.
What's Your Go-To Cheat Meal
Definitely pizza. I've always been a pizza guy and could eat it three times a day.
What's Your Favorite TV Show
American Horror Story. I'm a huge horror movie/show person and they put out some quality shows. Every season is a different storyline so it never gets old.
What Does 'Never Settle' Mean To You
What 'Never Settle' means to me is the pursuit never stops. Relative to powerlifting, the pursuit has always been strength related. If you settle for being the same every day and not improving, what are you ever going to accomplish? My 'Never Settle' attitude has allowed me to take my strength journey to insane heights. I could never imagine not being able to get stronger!
What's Your Biggest Achievement
I have several achievements I'm proud of ranging from athletics, work, and family. My greatest powerlifting achievements would be my three national titles, a 2nd place finish at the 2010 IPF Worlds, and being a member of Team USA at the 2013 World Games. I'm also very proud to give back to the sport by hosting meets, and providing a great experience for all lifters. As far as my work, my main achievement is becoming a police officer. I've always wanted to help people, and I feel like I can accomplish this in several ways on a daily basis. I have been fortunate enough to be in several specialized units and made the rank of sergeant before my first ten years. Nothing, however, is even close to my biggest achievement of becoming a father of two children.
What Keeps You Going
Setting goals and achieving them is what really drives me. I've always been goal oriented, both short term and long term. I set goals in every facet of my life, plan out the best way to reach them, then make it happen.
How Has 1st Phorm Changed Your Life
Becoming a 1st Phorm athlete has been a true blessing. 1st Phorm is a company that not only cares about the achievements of themselves, but the achievements of everyone around them as well. Close to 10 years ago, 1st Phorm offered me a spot to become one of their athletes. I was then able to showcase the "underground" sport of powerlifting. Since then, I have tried to motivate and help others achieve goals in not only powerlifting, but in any area they need help in. Helping people on a daily basis is one of the reasons I chose to become a police officer, and one of the reasons why I'm proud to be a 1st Phorm athlete. I truly believe I wouldn't have had the success I've seen in my sport without the phenomenal supplements and help 1st Phorm has provided.
Nick's Playlist
Nick's Favorite Supplements
Opti-Greens 50
"I'm horrible at eating enough vegetables, so Opti-Greens 50 is perfect for making sure my body is getting what it needs. I mix this first thing in the morning to start the day which gives me a good energy boost."
Micro Factor
"I'm a big believer in making sure I get all my vitamins and minerals daily. With Micro Factor I not only get this, but I also get the added bonus of the antioxidant, EFA, CoQ10, fruits, veggies, and a probiotic. This has made Micro Factor a no brainer for my supplement stack."
"I use Phormula-1 first thing after my workout to start the recovery process. Using a rapid assimilation protein ensures that I'm providing my body the means to recovery quickly, plus it tastes great!"