Kendra Jarratt

Kendra Jarratt
Kendra has embarked on her journey as a graduate student in Exercise Science at the University of South Florida. In her early 20's she became a Certified Personal Trainer through the National Academy of Sports Medicine. She also became a Certified Nutritional Coach through NASM as well emphasizing a blend of balanced nutrition with adaptable functional strength training. Now Kendra is dedicating all her time to running her online nutrition coaching business!
About Kendra
Hi everyone! My name is Kendra Jarrett and I love helping people reach goals they never thought they could reach before.
My journey started after I fell in love with lifting weights and learning to fuel my body in my early 20’s. My passion for athletic competition took me through nearly three decades of endurance racing all while maintaining my love for lifting weights.
In my 30’s, after becoming a mom to my amazing son Jack, I made a move to a corporate career for the stability that so many of us look for at that age. I still coached here and there during my corporate career but longed for the days before the corporate life style where I focused more time on coaching.
Which they eventually did and I took a leap to go all in on my online coaching business, Kendra Jarrett Coaching. It has grown to help thousands of people across the globe transform themselves and their lives. I absolutely love what I do. I am honored, and grateful to be able to work with amazing people everyday and make the world a healthier place.
Fun Fact About Kendra:
"In one point of my life I was a semi-professional bike racer"
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