1-Db Goddess & Thyro-Drive
Women's Fat Burning Stack
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It’s no secret that there’s no magic pill when it comes to losing weight. Reaching your goals takes effort, but with that effort you want the best results, right? 1-Db Goddess and Thyro-Drive taken together is designed to speed up and maximize the fat loss you will see from the efforts you’re putting in by giving your body what it needs to most efficiently and effectively burn fat.
This product contains:
1 bd goddess 1 db goddess fast pack 1 db gog 1db goddess fast pack prime 1db godess 1dbl goddes curb apet db fast pack db godess db godsess db1 db1 goddess dbgoddess dv1 fast pack faat burner fafat burnwr fat burning suppliments fat burning woments fat butner fat looss fatloss fut burn pre workout goddess fast pac goddess fast pack godess green godess keto friendly ketosis weightloss 1dbl goddes 1dbl goddess 1m factor goddess ab supplemnets advanced fast packl apeitight supresent apetet suoresent appetite suppresent appetite supressent appetitte surpressent appitite suppressant apple cidar vingear apple cider vinegar complex best supplements womens weightloss capsaicin fat bueners fat bueners fat burer fat burnet fat loss for wonen idb goddess idbgoddess idgoddess intermit fasting ksm 66 l tryosine lions mane royal xxi royal 21 queen sample pack shred supllements to shred your body stack weightloas termogenic termogenico thermo lipolytic thermogentics thermus weightliss weightloss bundle weightloss bundles weightloss women weightloss women wieght loss mct thermogenesis pill forskoli goodess and thyrodrive dn goddess and thyro thryo drive godess
1-Db Goddess® is like nothing else you have ever taken before. Use common sense. Read and follow the directions EXACTLY as they are written. Everyone’s tolerance will be different and more does not equal better.
TOLERANCE ASSESSMENT PHASE: Test your tolerance by taking one capsule in the morning on an empty stomach 30-45 minutes before your first meal or shake. Wait 5 hours, and if suitable, you may take a second capsule on an empty stomach 30-45 minutes before a meal or shake to further assess tolerance. After tolerance has been determined, you may consider taking two (2) capsules, twice daily (5) hours apart with eight (8) ounces of water 30-45 minutes before meals or shakes and assess tolerance again. Your body uses water to flush fractured fatty acid by-products (burnt fat) from your system; Always take 1-Db Goddess® with at least 8 ounces of water and drink at least 120 ounces of water over the course of the day. Continue to repeat the Tolerance Assessment Phase until you have reached your personal tolerance or you have reached a maximum of two (2) capsules, twice daily, whichever comes first.
NEVER EXCEED two (2) capsules per five (5) hour window or four (4) capsules in any 24-hour period. DO NOT EXCEED RECOMMENDED USE. DO NOT TAKE AFTER 3 P.M. as the product may cause sleeplessness. If you have a sensitive stomach or the product upsets your stomach, try the Tolerance Assessment Phase after a meal or with food instead of on an empty stomach. Cycle use of 1-Db Goddess® in a five (5) day on two (2) day off pattern. Use in an 8 week on 2 week off pattern.
Take two (2) capsules twice daily 4-6 hours apart. Do not take after 5 P.M. May cause sleeplessness. Do not exceed four (4) capsules in a 24 hour period. Cycle use of Thyro-Drive® in a 5 day on 2 day off pattern.
It is recommended that you take both 1-Db Goddess & Thyro-Drive at the same time.
NEVER EXCEED RECOMMENDED DOSAGE of 1-Db Goddess®. Not intended for use by individuals less than 21 years of age. Before consuming 1-Db Goddess® seek advice from a physician if you are unaware of your current health condition or planning any medical procedures. This product contains caffeine and synephrine. Do not use with any other products that contain synephrine or phenylephrine.
DO NOT USE 1-Db Goddess® if you have any pre-existing medical condition. This includes, but is not limited to: cardiac arrhythmia, high or low blood pressure, heart, liver, kidney or thyroid disease, recurrent headaches, seizure disorder, anxiety, depression, psychiatric or epileptic disorders, diabetes, pernicious anemia, difficulty urinating, enlarged prostate, glaucoma or if you are taking a MAO inhibitor, anti-depressants, aspirin, non-steroidal anti inflammatory drugs or products containing ephedrine, pseudoephedrine or other medications or over the counter drugs containing stimulants or any other medication.
DO NOT USE if you are pregnant or nursing, prone to dehydration, exposed to excessive heat or have an allergy to iodine. Discontinue use IMMEDIATELY and call a physician if you experience chest pain, tremors, dizziness, severe headaches, nausea, irregular heartbeat or shortness of breath. Consume a minimum of 120 ounces of water daily in conjunction with a healthy diet and regular exercise.
KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN AND PETS. Too much caffeine can cause nervousness, irritability, sleeplessness and rapid heart beat.
Not for use by individuals under the age of 21 years. Do not use if you are pregnant or nursing. DO NOT use this product if you are at risk or being treated for high blood pressure, heart, kidney or psychiatric disease, anxiety, depression, seizure disorders or stroke. Keep out of reach of children. DO NOT consume this product if you have a medical condition and/or taking any prescription medication. DO NOT exceed recommended serving. Discontinue use and call a physician or licensed qualified health care professional immediately if you experience rapid heartbeat, dizziness, severe headache or other symptoms.
NEVER EXCEED RECOMMENDED DOSAGE of 1-Db Goddess®. Not intended for use by individuals less than 21 years of age. Before consuming 1-Db Goddess® seek advice from a physician if you are unaware of your current health condition or planning any medical procedures. This product contains caffeine and synephrine. Do not use with any other products that contain synephrine or phenylephrine.
DO NOT USE 1-Db Goddess® if you have any pre-existing medical condition. This includes, but is not limited to: cardiac arrhythmia, high or low blood pressure, heart, liver, kidney or thyroid disease, recurrent headaches, seizure disorder, anxiety, depression, psychiatric or epileptic disorders, diabetes, pernicious anemia, difficulty urinating, enlarged prostate, glaucoma or if you are taking a MAO inhibitor, anti-depressants, aspirin, non-steroidal anti inflammatory drugs or products containing ephedrine, pseudoephedrine or other medications or over the counter drugs containing stimulants or any other medication.
DO NOT USE if you are pregnant or nursing, prone to dehydration, exposed to excessive heat or have an allergy to iodine. Discontinue use IMMEDIATELY and call a physician if you experience chest pain, tremors, dizziness, severe headaches, nausea, irregular heartbeat or shortness of breath. Consume a minimum of 120 ounces of water daily in conjunction with a healthy diet and regular exercise.
KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN AND PETS. Too much caffeine can cause nervousness, irritability, sleeplessness and rapid heart beat.
Not for use by individuals under the age of 21 years. Do not use if you are pregnant or nursing. DO NOT use this product if you are at risk or being treated for high blood pressure, heart, kidney or psychiatric disease, anxiety, depression, seizure disorders or stroke. Keep out of reach of children. DO NOT consume this product if you have a medical condition and/or taking any prescription medication. DO NOT exceed recommended serving. Discontinue use and call a physician or licensed qualified health care professional immediately if you experience rapid heartbeat, dizziness, severe headache or other symptoms.
At first I wasn’t sure how this was working for me. I’ve been in a slight caloric deficit, exercising at moderate intensity for 4x a week, and getting good sleep and nutrition but haven’t been losing weight. Finally after consistently taking these two together for 3 full weeks, I have began to lose about .5# a day, and am from 6# total. I plan to keep taking this consistently and look forward to continued progress!
The Db Goddess & Thyro-drive works wonders. Getting into the routine of taking it in the morning and afternoon, my energy and focus is up and I feel like I’m getting more out of my workouts. I’ve already purchased more, this time with the pack of Opti-greens as well. All of them together have really changed the game on how I’m eating and working out
Since I am in prep for my very first bodybuilding competition, I wanted to try the best fat burner there is, and decided to give the 1 - Db Goddess & Thyro-Drive a try. I am sooo glad I did, because this really works!!! Yes I train 6 days a week in the gym and combine that with a diet to reach my goal, but in addition I have seen a difference in my body when it comes to fat loss once I started using this combo. Also, I feel great as it gives me a good boost of energy and focus!! You got nothing to lose, except body fat!!
I can tell a difference in my energy levels and my cravings are down. So excited to see how this product works long term!
These supplements give me great energy in the morning to power through my work outs and keep my appetite at bay all day.