1-Db Overdrive
The new and improved 1-Db Overdrive® is the next generation in thermogenics from 1st Phorm®. We’re not just going to toss another ingredient into the mix and re-dub it “Hardcore” or “Extreme”... The new 1-Db Overdrive is a completely new evolution in thermogenic sports supplements.
1-Db Overdrive is a powerful new thermogenic compound that may help your central nervous system eliminate stored body fat by raising your core body temperature, increasing your resting metabolic rate, and forcing your body to use stored body fat as a fuel source all day long. These key ingredients are designed to help even out insulin levels and increase the effective utilization of dietary carbohydrates. 1-Db Overdrive is designed to stimulate the production of the neurotransmitters and primary chemical compounds involved in muscle function. 1-Db Overdrive was specifically formulated to elevate your performance in the gym to the next level by delivering intense focus for powerful training sessions with that ultimate “dialed-in” feel every day. 1-Db Overdrive is a powerful, premium thermogenic for people wanting to achieve the best results. To take your fat loss to the ultimate level stack 1-Db Overdrive with 1st Phorm's Thyro-Drive®. If you are wanting the most out of your training and supplementation... 1-Db Overdrive is certainly right for you!*
*These statements have not been evaluated by The Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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