High quality duffel
I recently bought this bag between it and it's larger counterpart. This bag is so spacious. Enough room for a couple full sets of clothes all my shower gear (toiletries and flip flops) and a couple sets of work out gear. Barely fits in the lockers they provide at the gyms as is. We'll made. Love the 1st phorm P all over this thing. They even have a little soft pouch to put your essentials in in the main compartment that hangs from the back at the top, so you don't lose them or mix them up with your other stuff. One side compartment is small I put hats in it. The other side compartment is huge as it opens up and takes some space In The main compartment if you stuff it full and fits my wet towel flip flops and trunks so it doesn't get my extra clothes in the bag wet. Very happy with this purchase. Highly recommend for a gym goer looking for a good sized duffel bag.