Quality sleep is one of the most important factors in pursuing and achieving a fat loss goal, but it is commonly overlooked. Just one night of poor sleep has been shown to cause an increase in the appetite-stimulating hormone ghrelin, elevated cortisol levels, and decreased glucose tolerance; ultimately leading to very poor metabolism.
In today’s society stress is everywhere and whether it’s mental, physical, or emotional it increases your cortisol levels. When your cortisol levels remain elevated it signals your body to hold onto fat in your midsection as well as cause lethargy.
Taking a nighttime supplement like Core-21 will support deep, restful sleep and lower stress levels. It has been shown that this naturally balances cortisol levels, leading to your body fully recovering to its full potential. Unwinding and getting a relaxing night of sleep will promote optimal metabolism throughout the night and the rest of the day.
Core-21 also attacks another important nighttime fat loss issue by aiding the body in digestion and nutrient assimilation while you are asleep. The blend of key digestive enzymes keeps your body working as efficiently as possible to allow for even better recovery and an overall positive impact throughout the day.
For maximum results, use Core-21 as part of the 1-DB Overdrive (for men) or 1-DB Goddess (for women) Weight Loss Systems to help boost your metabolism all day long.*
*These statements have not been evaluated by The Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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