Best Bar, yet!
Amazing quality, taste, and customer service!
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You'll get two boxes with your order. You choose the flavors! Two of the same flavor or are you going to mix 'em up? Just one bite is all it takes to realize the Level-1 Bar is the best protein bar you’ve ever tried! No matter what your goal is - lose weight, gain muscle, or be healthier - eating protein consistently throughout your day is vital. With the low temperature baked Level-1 Bars, you now have the world’s highest quality, best tasting protein in the convenience of a bar that you can eat anywhere.
Amazing quality, taste, and customer service!
These are fantastic bars! The S'mores ones are my absolute favorite!
Very tasty..very satisfying
Best flavor protein bar and not a big plain bar with no taste
I first had this protein bar after a training session at my strength training gym and my trainer purchased it for me and the PB&J is honestly my favorite protein bar I’ve ever tasted. Great macros and doesn’t have a nasty protein aftertaste like most bars do. Was disappointed when my gym sold out of them, which led me back to purchase a 15 pack. 10/10 definitely recommend-Alex D from Lexington KY