Cannot say enough about this one. This is a clear win for my health.
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Support Protein Synthesis, Increase Growth Hormone Release, and Boost Performance
Using premium ingredients for maximum potency, Primal-T® was specifically formulated to naturally support testosterone and help manage estrogen, helping you push harder in the gym.* It is the perfect boost to your supplementation
Primal-T is formulated with precise amounts of Tribulus, Long Jack 100, and Boron Citrate to help support luteinizing hormone (LH), helping your body naturally produce more free testosterone.*
The addition of Calcium D Glucarate and DIM takes Primal-T a huge step further by helping to naturally manage hormone balance.* To further maximize the benefits, Primal-T also includes KSM-66® Ashwagandha. This powerful herb has been shown to help manage stress levels, which may increase your body’s ability to naturally produce testosterone.*
The ingredients in Primal-T naturally help optimize testosterone and manage estrogen so you can enjoy the benefits year-round.* For maximum results, stack Primal-T with Conquest and Night-T to help support your body’s own testosterone.*
*These statements have not been evaluated by The Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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As a dietary supplement, take four (4) capsules in the morning or two (2) capsules twice per day. Use Primal-T in a repeating 5 days on, 2 days off cycle.
Allergen Statement: Contains Milk.
WARNING: KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. Do not use if you are under 18 years of age, pregnant, nursing or contemplating pregnancy. If you have any medical conditions or you are currently using prescription medications, consult your physician before using this or any dietary supplements.
Allergen Statement: Contains Milk.
WARNING: KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. Do not use if you are under 18 years of age, pregnant, nursing or contemplating pregnancy. If you have any medical conditions or you are currently using prescription medications, consult your physician before using this or any dietary supplements.
Cannot say enough about this one. This is a clear win for my health.
I've only been taking Primal-T for a week and already have noticed a huge increase in my energy!
My husband loves Primal T. He says he has more energy and overall sense of well being.
It definitely has been giving me more drive in the gym!
Bounced me back to the top of my game! If you’re looking for that young man’s edge again, this is the ticket.