Accept Responsibility!

I’ve been heavily involved in a world related to exercise, fitness, health, nutrition, etc. for close to 15 years now. Easily one of the biggest beefs I have with people or things that will make me roll my eyes are the excuses and lack of responsibility for their health. Everyone has 24 hours in their day. What you do with them is dictated by your life, but to a large extent your life is made up of choices you make. The number one “reason” for not exercising is lack of time, but yet everyone has the same amount of time in their day. Nike launched an ad campaign a few years back that was titled, “Someone busier than you is running right now” and I think it was a marvelous message.

In my opinion, people use this reason because they think they are “too busy” and that they are afraid to face how their body has changed for whatever reason over the years. I also think the longer this goes on, the more people think a quick workout that will make them feel better and happier isn’t a “good workout”. I don’t have time for a 60 min workout, and the 10 or 15 min that I do have isn’t enough time. So maybe tomorrow…

Many things in a world of science, especially as they relate to how the human body operates are rarely certain, but one thing I do promote and say to many groups of people is that “something will always be better than nothing”! So if you’re busy, don’t let that stop you!

I don’t care about your age, your commute, your hours, how many kids you have, etc. hire a personal trainer for one or two sessions to help you develop multiple 15 min circuit workouts that can be done in your hotel room or at your house while you are waiting for water to boil, coffee to brew, etc. Park further away from your building and walk 10 min to work and 10 min back from work, take the stairs, etc. There are literally hundreds of different choices that could be made. They are choices that you are going to have to make based on if you truly want to transPHORM or not …

It’s a mindset and it’s your responsibility. I’m not free of the problems either. I admit I’m fortunate, I work in an exercise department and my access to exercise equipment is better than 99% of occupations. In less than 10 min on any given day, I can change clothes and be on a treadmill, warming up for a weight workout and on a spin bike. Even then there are days where I don’t take responsibility and work extra on something and this “just one more thing” approach often takes me to spot in my day where I’m tired, don’t want to and/or now I have to go home for one reason or another. So I can relate in many respects in that regard.

As a person who cares about the health of our country and rising health care costs, my dying plea to you is, accept responsibility for your health. Don’t put the responsibility on your physician to fix you (and then complain about the number of tests and costs associated with those tests) or on the fast food industry for making portions entirely too largely and loaded with calories. Sure it’s a factor to overcome, but nobody made you go to that restaurant or stuff your face with that food. It’s your responsibility!

Each day is a different day, start with purchasing workout clothes and if you are not signed up for the TransPHORMation Challenge … sign up to learn about the foods you eat and what to buy. Lay those clothes out, start with a 10 min walk, then build to 15 or 20 min. Make tomorrow better than today and today better than yesterday. If that doesn’t happen, self-reflect and identify why. Control your portions and be patient! It took longer than a year to gain the weight and you can’t expect to drop it in weeks. Give your mind and psyche and your body a chance. Don’t set yourself up for failure, set realistic goals based on the process of getting more fit or losing weight and be CONSISTENT. Whatever you do just take responsibility for your health.

If that doesn’t happen, self-reflect and identify why. Control your portions and be patient! No matter if you want to put on lean muscle, burn fat, or work towards both … it is going to take time! You will not complete your TransPHORMation in a few weeks. Give your mind and psyche and your body a chance. Don’t set yourself up for failure, set realistic goals based on the process of getting more fit or losing weight and be CONSISTENT. Whatever you do just take responsibility for your health.


This post was written by Chad Kerksick, an Assistant Professor of Exercise Science at Lindenwood University in St. Charles, MO. Dr. Kerksick is a nerd for exercise physiology and particularly enjoys discussing strategies to lose fat and enhance performance through diet, supplementation and exercise.