How to Start Working Out

How to Start Working Out

When you first set out to make changes and transition into a healthier lifestyle...

It can be hard to know exactly where to start. Especially when you're first getting into working out.

Gym class may have been good at teaching us how to run up and down a court or throw a dodgeball ... but what it didn't teach us was how to exercise for our overall health and wellness. They also didn't teach us how to achieve more specific goals like losing body fat and gaining muscle.

So there's no question as to why people aren't sure how to get started ... they were never taught!

The good news is … starting really isn't hard, but it can be very intimidating. The hard part is staying consistent and disciplined once you do start.

No need to worry though!

In this blog, I'll give you plenty of tips for getting started and sticking with it long-term. That way, you can finally earn the results you're after!

Start With Movement

How Many Calories Do You Burn From Walking?

The best way to get started with exercise is simply by moving. The extra movement will help you burn some extra calories. Plus, getting in the habit of moving more is great for your overall health and fitness goals.

More importantly though, when you build your consistency with movement ... it will make the transition into your workouts a lot easier.

Personally, I like to take a quick 15-20 minute walk in the middle of the day to get some extra movement in.

It's a small commitment you can make today to get started. Something is better than nothing, and starting with some movement is a great way to build momentum.

Set a Goal

Everybody has their own reason for getting into fitness. What is your reason?

Do you want to lose weight? Do you want to gain weight? Do you want to get stronger? Whatever your reason is for starting, you need to make a goal out of it.

Not only will having a clearly defined goal give you the motivation to get started ... it will also help you measure your progress along the way to maintain motivation.

If you have a strong enough "why" for working out ... it can help tremendously with getting started and building consistency.

On top of that, having a goal can help point you in the direction of the training styles that will benefit you most.

Try Different Workouts

There are so many different ways you can get a good workout in. When you're first starting out, it can be hard to know what kind of exercise is best.

Full Body Barbell Workouts

While some exercises are more ideal for certain goals, that doesn't mean you have to stick with one specific training style.

Experiment with what is enjoyable for you! Treat your first few weeks as a testing phase. Just make sure you know your fitness level. If you've never lifted weights in your life, it probably wouldn't be smart of you to try Crossfit right off the bat.

My point is, you should try different workouts and find what you like most and what aligns with your goals. Your options really are endless:

• Weight training
• Crossfit
• Bootcamps
• Cycling
• Swimming
• Running
• Calisthenics
• HIIT Training
• Pilates

Even different styles of martial arts can make for great workouts. Or … did you play sports growing up? Well, there are plenty of recreational leagues for just about any sport that you can get involved in too.

So keep trying different workouts until you find the one that best suits you.

Work out Safely

If you are getting started, you definitely want to make sure you're staying safe throughout the movements. That's why I said you should know your fitness level. Don't try to do anything crazy when you're just getting in the swing of things.

Imagine getting back in the gym to get in shape and tearing a muscle on the second week. That would not be good! That's why I strongly recommend you make sure to warm up before your workouts.

Get your heart rate up, get the muscles warm, and then you're good to go. For me, this is usually a quick 10-minute warmup on the treadmill or stationary bike.

And just like it's important to warm up, you should also cool down at the end of your workouts.

Hunt Down Workouts

When I got started, my biggest hurdle was trying to figure out what exercises to do in the gym. I really had no idea where to start.

What To Do At The Gym

If you’re not sure what exercises to do … why not do some research? I learned a ton of exercises from YouTube, fitness accounts on social media, books, and some gyms will even post their workout of the day online.

There are no excuses when it comes to finding something to do. To this day, I’m still learning about new exercises and routines that I can try out for my own workouts. 

Ask For Help

I understand that even with these first few tips, starting can still be overwhelming. Why not ask for some help?

I'm sure you know at least one person who is big into fitness. Heck, maybe you even know a personal trainer.

It could be super beneficial to have a workout partner to hold you accountable and show you the ropes. I'm sure you could get quite a few valuable pointers from people who are much further along with their health & fitness journey.

Establish a Routine

I am a creature of habit. I wake up at the same time, eat at the same time, and work out at the same time. It’s how I stick to my plan and actually accomplish what I set out to accomplish.

As it applies to you, establishing a schedule around your fitness could be very beneficial. So always have a plan of attack.

Plus, if you form a good routine, it will only help you build a habit out of exercise. That's exactly what we're trying to do!

Need More Hands-On Help?

If you’re still at a loss for what to do, you should download the 1st Phorm App! Inside of the app, you can actually get a workout plan tailored to you and your goals. Each exercise also includes an instructional video to make sure you’re doing the exercise safely.

Download the 1st Phorm App

But that’s not all. You’ll also get access to your very own NASM Certified Personal Trainer in the app. They’ll be more than happy to set you up for success as you’re getting started with your fitness journey.

Whether you’re lacking accountability, knowledge, or just resources in general to get started… the 1st Phorm App has you covered. That way you can focus on what really matters… earning the results you’re after. You’ve got this!

For any other questions you may have, don't hesitate to reach out! We're always happy to help anyway we can.