When Should You Weigh Yourself?

When Should You Weigh Yourself?

When it comes to losing weight, it can seem like a numbers game. Well, for the most part, it literally is. To lose weight, you have to consume fewer calories than you burn.

All too often though, people fall into the habit of ONLY trying to reach a certain number on the scale. Heck, I know I’ve been there before and it can be grueling!

Don't get me wrong ... There are times when working toward a number on the scale can be beneficial. After all, it can be motivating to see the number go up or down depending on your goals.

At the same time, weighing yourself too often can be discouraging.

Today we’re going to unpack a lot of what goes into weighing yourself and tracking your progress as a whole. 

If you came here today to learn all about when you should weigh yourself, how often you should weigh yourself, and the best ways to track your progress ... You are in the right place!

So let’s dive in…

When Is The Best Time To Weigh Yourself? 

So, when should you weigh yourself?

Some people will tell you that the morning is best. Other people will tell you that the evening is best.

At the end of the day though, there is no true best time. The best time is going to look a little bit different for everybody. 

A lot of people are trying to find the time when they weigh the least or the most each day. However, this isn't all that important.

What will be important is making sure you weigh yourself at the same time. This is what will be most beneficial to help you measure your progress.

So, when is the best time to weigh yourself? Whenever you can make it a consistent part of your routine! 

For the most precise weigh-ins, wake up first thing in the morning. Use the restroom. Get undressed. Stand on the scale barefoot. See what your scale reads.

This is what I recommend because what you eat and drink throughout the day can manipulate the number on the scale. Weighing yourself first thing in the morning can make sure to limit the impact that these variables can have.

If we want to measure how the number changes over time, this is important. That's why it's also important to weigh yourself at the same time. It will give you the best idea of the progress you're seeing.

But, now that you know the best time to weigh yourself, which day is best to weigh yourself?

The Best Day To Weigh Yourself

Similar to what we talked about above, there is no best day of the week to weigh yourself. 

Now, should you weigh yourself every day? You certainly can, but I would advise against it. The reason why is because your weight can fluctuate from day to day for a wide variety of reasons.

This can be physical activity, the weather, food intake, and much more (1).

On top of that, the progress you can make in one day is very minimal. After a week, at the bare minimum you'll be able to see which direction you're trending in.

That's why I believe choosing one day of the week to weigh yourself every time would likely be the best approach. This actually brings us to the next thing you may be wondering...

How Often Should You Weigh Yourself?

Like I said, in all my experience helping people reach their goals, weighing yourself once a week tends to be best.

This weigh-in each week should be done on the same day at the same time as well. This can help keep the conditions and circumstances as similar as possible.

For me and everyone I work with, we weigh ourselves on Wednesdays. We call it "weigh-in Wednesday" which helps us remember to do it every week and stay consistent.

If that can help you remember as well, by all means, weigh yourself on Wednesday! Otherwise, the day you choose is completely up to you.

Is Weighing Yourself The Best Way To Track Progress? 

Now that we’ve talked about when to weigh yourself … which day is the best to weigh yourself … and how often you should weigh yourself...

Is weighing yourself the best way to track progress? In some cases, it can be a great way to measure your progress. In other cases, it may not be the best.

At the bare minimum though, it's necessary for determining which direction you're trending in.

Even still, your weight isn't the only thing that matters. It also isn't always the best way to measure the results you're seeing.

I've personally helped people lose 50 pounds who were much less satisfied with their results than others who only lost 10 pounds. But, why is this?

Well, because your weight is far from the only indicator of progress. Other factors to consider can be your body composition, performance, and health markers.

So, what are some other ways you can track progress other than weighing yourself?

Other Ways To Track Our Progress

Weighing yourself isn't the only way you can measure your progress. If anything, it's just one of the several ways you can. Your weight is not the be all end all when it comes to earning results.

Unfortunately, many of us forget about these other important markers of progress. So, what are some other ways you can measure your progress?

That's what I'm going to show you now!

How Your Clothes Fit

No matter what the scale says, the way your clothes fit can always be a great indicator of your progress. This goes for both people who want to gain weight and those who want to lose weight. 

If you are working to lose weight, you may notice your shirts fitting looser. Your pants may even begin to fit better in the waist. Or, on the flip side, your pants might start falling down your waist! A lot of people are even able to re-fit into clothes they haven't worn in years.

If you are looking to gain muscle, you may notice your arms fitting more snug in your shirts. You may also notice your pants getting tighter. At some point, you may even need a new wardrobe altogether!

Regardless of how your clothes begin to fit differently though, these can be signs of progress. When you notice these changes, you can definitely start to feel a lot more confident too.

Body Measurements

If you are somebody who likes to take measurements, then this is a sure way to know whether you are seeing results.

You can measure your waist, your chest, your arms, and so many other areas. 

For those of you focused on weight loss, you’ll see your waist slimming down. You’ll even see your legs and arms leaning out. This will be apparent as these measurements slowly decrease over time.

For anyone who is gaining muscle, you’ll notice your arms growing in size. You can also notice your legs getting thicker.

As long as you're doing the right things with your nutrition and exercise ... These measurements will change with time. When they do, you'll know that what you're doing is working!

Performance In The Gym

Another great indicator of progress can be your performance in training. This is an area where you can see similar results whether you want to gain muscle or lose weight. 

When your endurance and strength improve, you'll know you're on the right track. You may even be able to push yourself harder and harder over time.

In my opinion, this is one of the best markers of progress. If you are performing better, it’s likely that you are seeing improvement in at least one area of your fitness!

Measuring Health Markers

Health markers are also known as biomarkers. If you're wondering what health markers are, that's what I'm about to get into.

Basically, health markers are metrics that can help monitor the state of your health. They evaluate how efficiently your body is working, and can even help determine risk of diseases (2).

These markers can be things such as your resting heart rate, blood pressure, and more. For a lot of people, this can be the most important area for progress.

Some people care most about being healthier, happier, and having more energy. If this is you, these health markers can be good to keep tabs on.

As these markers improve, you can feel confident you're making progress.

The Way You Feel

This is one that is very subjective, but it’s one of the most important in my personal experience! 

We’ve all been in a place where we don’t feel good about ourselves. We’ve all been in a place where we want to feel differently. We’ve all been in a place where we want to be better.

The good news is that whatever that looks like for you, is possible! 

If you are feeling better walking up the stairs, that’s a win. If you are feeling better as you stand up after sitting down, that’s a win. If you feel better walking in and out of work, that’s a win.

While this is highly individualized, everyone can notice improvements in this area. If you begin to feel better and better over time, you'll know what you're doing is working!

Don’t Forget To Weigh Out Your Options & Track Your Results

If you can measure it, you can manage it. This is the main reason why it’s important to track the progress that you make.

No matter how you choose to do this, it's important to know that what you're doing is working. That's why weighing yourself can be so important. It simply confirms whether your plan is doing its job or not.

This also means you have to stay consistent with your plan. If the input changes every day (your exercise and nutrition), then there is no way to tell what created the output (the results you see).

That's why it's important to keep track of these variables as well. For most people, this is where things can get overwhelming and confusing.

Well, at 1st Phorm, our mission is to help real people earn real and long-term results. That's why we created the ultimate all-in-one tool to help simplify the process of earning results.

This tool is called the 1st Phorm App, and it will give you everything you need to reach your goals. In addition to that, it even gives you the ability to track your progress through your weight, measurements, progress photos, and more! Inside the 1st Phorm App, you'll get access to:

• A certified personal trainer and nutrition coach (sometimes a dietitian) to coach you every day in the app

• A custom nutrition plan and an easy way to log your food to stay on track

• 5x per week live streams about nutrition, training, and supplementation

• A full library of workout programs catered to your goals

• Activity and step-counting software

Ready to get started earning the best results possible? Download the 1st Phorm App today!

If you have any questions in the meantime, don't hesitate to reach out. We have a full team of NASM Certified Personal Trainers and Nutrition Coaches right here in St. Louis, Missouri. Just give us a call at 1-800-409-9732 or send us an email at CustomerService@1stPhorm.com any day from 6 AM to 10 PM Central. We'll be more than happy to help!

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(1) Institute of Medicine (US) Subcommittee on Military Weight Management. Weight Management: State of the Science and Opportunities for Military Programs. Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 2004. 3, Factors That Influence Body Weight.

(2) Chen, Xiao-He et al. “Biomarkers in clinical medicine.” IARC scientific publications,163 (2011): 303-22.


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