Best HIIT Workouts For All Fitness Levels

Best HIIT Workouts For All Fitness Levels

HIIT training is something that's gained a lot of popularity in the fitness community. In fact, a lot of gyms and chains have popped up over the years which all serve as styles of HIIT training.

If you're unsure what HIIT means, it's an acronym for High Intensity Interval Training.

These are workouts that are packed full of short bursts of intense work with short rest periods in between. 

Even more specifically, HIIT workouts are an all-out effort for a period of time. The work-to-rest ratios tend to be between 1:1 and 4:1 ratios depending on the workouts.

A lot of people may think or hear that HIIT workouts are only for losing fat, but not entirely! 

HIIT workouts can help you maintain a lean composition, gain muscle, and lose body fat too (1)!

I'd say the main reason they've become so popular is because of how short the workouts can be! After all, everybody seems to be getting busier and busier nowadays. At least, that's their excuse for not being able to work out.

With HIIT workouts, that excuse has no ground to stand on! I don't know a single person who can't take the time to get in a quick 15-20 minute HIIT workout.

Today, we'll talk about the best HIIT workouts and exercises for a good sweat! I'll even give you some full workouts you can try right away.

Benefits of HIIT Workouts

HIIT workouts are not my personal favorite style of training, but I’d be a liar if I told you that they aren’t effective. 

Not only do they give you a chance to get a good workout in, but they also can help you get them done quickly.

So, what are all the benefits HIIT workouts have to offer?

HIIT Workouts Can Help Support Weight Loss

HIIT can help to improve weight loss because it can help you burn a lot of calories (1). When you burn more calories than you consume on a daily basis, you can lose weight.

HIIT workouts can lead to you burning as much as 30% more calories in just a third of the time when compared to things like biking and running (2).

Now, obviously, you'll still have to pair these HIIT workouts with the proper nutrition to meet your goals. However, with HIIT, you can burn quite a few calories in less time and still reduce body fat!

HIIT Workouts Can Be Fast and Effective

A solid HIIT workout can be completed much faster than many other styles of training. I get it ... Most of us aren't professional athletes or fitness influencers. We don't necessarily have 2+ hours to spend in the gym every day.

Don't worry, you don't need to spend that kind of time in the gym to earn great results. HIIT workouts can be a quick and effective way to approach your training!

Plus, just because they're generally shorter workouts, doesn't mean you're doing any less work. Really, you're doing the same, if not more work, in less time.

Best HIIT Exercises

By now, I'm sure you're ready to get after it. So, what are the best exercises when it comes to HIIT?

I would argue that there aren't any "best" exercises. However, I think the best approach is a mix of weight resistance exercises and cardio in a HIIT workout.

Your HIIT workouts can include exercises for your arms, chest, legs, and more! You actually have a lot of freedom to create whatever kind of workout you want. Personally, I like doing full-body HIIT workouts.

I'll cover some of the popular HIIT exercises you can do. Then, I'll get into some workouts you can try to serve as examples of how you can make your own HIIT workouts!

HIIT Exercises For Your Abs/Core

- Mountain Climbers
- Flutter Kicks
- Russian Twists
- Planks
- Plank Reach Throughs

HIIT Exercises For Your Lower Body

- Step-Ups
- Pulsing Squats
- Kettlebell Swings
- Walking Lunges
- Lateral Lunges

HIIT Exercises For Your Upper Body 

- Push-Ups
- Pull-Ups 
- Hammer Curls
- Bent Over Rows
- Shoulder Press

HIIT Exercises For Cardio

- Rowing
- Ski Erg
- Sprints
- Jumping Jacks
- Jump Rope 
- Cycling

The Best HIIT Workouts For All Fitness Levels 

Ready for some awesome HIIT workouts to try out? Granted I can't by any means say there is a "best" HIIT workout, these are a few of my favorites.

The best HIIT workouts for you can, and likely will, look different. At the end of the day, we all have personal preferences. Plus, some of us may have physical limitations that can keep us from doing certain exercises.

These workouts can be friendly for just about any fitness level. If you need more of a challenge, you can always increase reps, time, or weight. If you need to dial it back a bit, you can always decrease these variables.

With that in mind, let's get into it! I included an upper body, lower body, and full body HIIT workout.

Upper Body HIIT Workout: EMOM

Complete each of the following exercises for the set amount of time or set number of reps. You'll get 60 seconds for each exercise before moving on to the next. Any extra time you get within the minute, you'll get to rest.

This is a style of HIIT training called an EMOM (Every Minute On the Minute).

Complete 5 rounds of this EMOM for a 25 minute HIIT workout.

 Exercise Reps/Time
Push-Ups 20 Reps
Barbell Row 15 Reps
Rowing Machine 40 Seconds
Push Press 10 Reps
Pull-Ups 10 Reps

Lower Body HIIT Workout: EMOM

Just like the upper body HIIT workout, this will be another EMOM.

Complete 5 rounds of this EMOM for a 25 minute HIIT workout.

 Exercise Reps/Time
Dumbbell Front Squats 15 Reps
Run 40 Seconds
Air Squats 30 Reps
Barbell Hip Thrust 10 Reps
Deadlift 10 Reps

Full-Body HIIT Workout

Complete each of the following exercises for the set number of reps in rapid succession. Once you finish all of the exercises, give yourself a 60 second rest period. From there, you'll continue on to the next round.

Complete 5 rounds of this HIIT workout as quickly as you can! Remember to take 60 seconds of rest between each round.

 Exercise Reps/Time
Dumbbell Thrusters 15 Reps
Ski Machine 40 Seconds
Renegade Rows 10 Reps (Each Arm)
Burpees 10 Reps
Kettlebell Swings 20 Reps

Looking For More HIIT Workouts?

HIIT workouts can be a great option when you need a quick and effective workout. We're all busy, but at the end of the day, it's no excuse to put our health on the back burner.

In my opinion, you can be a lot more productive when you're healthier physically and mentally. Even if it's just a 10 minute HIIT workout to start, something is better than nothing at all.

If you're looking for new HIIT workouts every day, we've got you covered! In fact, the 1st Phorm App has a full library of workout programs for your goals. And yes, there are HIIT workouts to choose from as well!

On top of that, the 1st Phorm App gives you every tool and resource you need to simplify the process of earning results. It's literally the ultimate all-in-one tool for reaching your health and fitness goals.

When you download the app, you'll be assigned to your own certified advisor. They'll be a friend and accountability partner you can message one one-on-one to help program your nutrition and make sure you see the best results possible.

You'll even be able to track your food, measure your progress, watch educational livestreams, and so much more!

If you're ready to take your results to the next level and truly look and feel your best ... Download the 1st Phorm App today!

If you have any questions in the meantime, we're here to help. We have a full team of NASM Certified Personal Trainers and Nutrition Coaches right here in St. Louis, Missouri who are happy to help out. Just give us a call at 1-800-409-9732 or send us an email at any day from 6 AM to 10 PM Central.

Download the 1st Phorm App


(1) Khodadadi, Fatemeh et al. “The Effect of High-Intensity Interval Training Type on Body Fat Percentage, Fat and Fat-Free Mass: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Clinical Trials.” Journal of clinical medicine vol. 12,6 2291. 15 Mar. 2023, doi:10.3390/jcm12062291.

(2) Falcone, Paul H et al. “Caloric expenditure of aerobic, resistance, or combined high-intensity interval training using a hydraulic resistance system in healthy men.” Journal of strength and conditioning research vol. 29,3 (2015): 779-85. doi:10.1519/JSC.0000000000000661.

(3) Wingfield, Hailee L et al. “The acute effect of exercise modality and nutrition manipulations on post-exercise resting energy expenditure and respiratory exchange ratio in women: a randomized trial.” Sports medicine - open vol. 1,1 (2015): 11. doi:10.1186/s40798-015-0010-3.


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