Person Pinching Their Obliques

Getting Rid of Love Handles: A How-To Guide

We call them “love handles,” but everybody hates theirs. So how do you get rid of them?

In this article, we’ll explain how you can get rid of your love handles and feel better about your body.

How Do You Get Rid of Love Handles

If you’re looking to get rid of your love handles, there’s a lot that you’ll have to do. Fortunately, you probably know most of these things already.

Focus on Weight Loss

The fact is, the term “love handles” is just a cutesy way of saying belly fat. At the end of the day, that’s what we’re really talking about.

If you want to know the answer to the question, "how do you get rid of love handles?", the primary secret is, burning fat and losing weight.

There are tons of websites out there that will promise you an exercise routine that can blast your belly fat away and get rid of your love handles, but most of them don’t work. That’s not because exercise doesn’t help. It does. But you can’t choose where you lose fat from.

8 Ways to Increase Consistency

Some people lose it in the hips first. Some people lose it in their face, Others lose it from their belly. You’re going to lose weight from whatever fat stores your body decides to pull energy from.

If you want to start getting rid of your love handles, you’re just going to have to keep on losing weight until you start seeing results. So how do you do that?

Run, Run, Run

Running is a great way to burn a lot of calories in a relatively short period of time. It’s also a great workout for your cardiovascular system.

Running, and other forms of cardio, are great if you’re looking to lose weight. You can even do it before or after you weight train too.

So when I say run, you can sub that out for another form of cardio if you would like. The main points being… moving your body, breaking a sweat, and burning calories to help create the caloric deficit you need to lose weight

So if you want to get rid of that excess body fat, going for a run can help.

Lift, Lift, Lift

This might seem counterintuitive, but lifting weights is another good way to work on getting rid of those love handles. Sure, it’s good to develop big, strong muscles, but your abs are never going to outmuscle excess body fat. So why bother?

Lifting weights is great because developing more lean muscle tissue requires extra energy, calories every day, to maintain its self. Which means you will naturally burn more calories in your day.

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If nothing else, even if you kept your calorie intake the same, but you gained more muscle, you’d know that you’re burning more calories while at rest than you would be otherwise.

Adding some lean muscle tissue can help make your weight loss efforts easier long term plus give you the toned, athletic look most people want... O and keep the results after you earn them!

Make Eating Well a Priority

You won't be able to out-work a bad diet. It’s just not feasible.

You can work out all day, but if you’re eating a bunch of crap and consuming more calories than you’re burning, all you’re going to do is gain weight. I know that is an exaggerated example, as no one works out all day... but you get the point.

So how do you reduce love handles and promote weight loss through your diet?...

You need to create a calorie deficit if you want to lose weight. One of the easiest ways to do this is by avoiding high-calorie foods… typically that are made up of refined sugars, excess fat, and non-nutritional foods that are empty calories without any of the nutrition you need.

Instead of hitting up your favorite fast food joint, make your nutrition a priority and focus on fueling with good protein sources and high-quality foods.

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In most cases, lean meats, vegetables, and healthy foods don’t have nearly as many calories as fatty, salty, or sugary foods do, but they have significantly higher nutritional content.

This is exactly what you’re going to need if you want to start losing love handles, lose weight, and earn the body you want. 

Increase Fiber Intake

One dietary strategy that can help in getting rid of love handles is upping your fiber intake.

Fiber-rich foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains not only support digestion but also contribute to a feeling of fullness, helping you control your calorie intake. By incorporating more fiber into your diet, you're making a choice that's both satisfying and supportive of your weight loss goals.

Swap out refined grains for whole grains, snack on fruits, and load up on veggies. These choices not only provide essential nutrients but also, as mentioned previously, assist in creating a calorie deficit – a key player in love handle reduction.

It's not just about what you eat; it's about making choices that keep you feeling satisfied and inch you closer to that love handle-free zone.

Make Sure to Stay Hydrated

Hydration is another important part of how you get rid of love handles and promotes weight loss. It’s important for two reasons.

The first is that water helps regulate your body temperature and nutrient delivery. It’s also an important part of your blood. If you’re depriving yourself of water, then you’re making it harder for your body to function while working out or recovering. You’re basically shooting yourself in the foot.

Second, water is important because drinking it can help reduce bloating, caused by water retention. Your body wants to be hydrated.

So, when you deprive it of water, you’re essentially forcing it to hold onto everything it has. This will make your body look larger, softer, and rounder than it actually is. And this water retention isn’t going to help you get rid of your love handles.

So, be sure to get as much water as you need while you’re losing weight. A good starting point is getting about 100oz of water a day. Now keep in mind, as you increase your activity and sweat more, you will most likely need more water! 

Reduce Stress Levels

In the pursuit of a trimmer midsection, managing stress isn't just a luxury – it's a necessity. Chronic stress can throw a wrench in your weight loss plans, especially when it comes to those persistent love handles.

Enter stress reduction strategies, your secret weapon against unwanted inches around the waist. Incorporate activities like meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises into your routine. 

These practices not only promote mental well-being, theybut also help balance hormones that play a crucial role in weight management.

Stress reduction isn't just about feeling good; it's about making your body an inhospitable environment for love handles. So… take a deep breath and let stress take a back seat on your journey to a slimmer, healthier you. Your waistline will thank you for it.

Get Plenty of Sleep

Sleep is an important part of your recovery and fat loss. It’s when you’re sleeping that your body does the most healing. If you’re not getting enough sleep, then your body is going to take longer to recover.

7 Tips for Better Sleep

Additionally, if you’re not getting enough sleep, or enough quality sleep, you’ll feel tired in the morning. Also if you are not sleeping properly it can negatively impact hormone production which can lead to hunger, cravings, and make it harder to lose weight overall… including love handles.

This means you’ll feel less motivated to work out and more motivated to cheat on your diet by grabbing some quick energy in the form of a refined sugary snack.

Take Your Recovery Seriously

It’s not just the sleep that matters. Every aspect of your recovery matters.

Getting rid of love handles, aka losing weight, is tough! It requires you to be in a caloric deficit (meaning you are eating fewer calories than you burn)... it requires you to work out... it simply puts a strain on your body! 

Therefore if you want the best results, you need to make sure that you’re giving your body the nutrition and time it needs to properly recover.

If you don’t, it can have negative consequences long term and delay your results.

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Consistency is Key

In the pursuit of getting rid of love handles, consistency is your ally. This isn't a sprint; it's a marathon, and your commitment to healthy habits will be your guiding force.

Whether it's sticking to your workout routine, maintaining a balanced diet, or prioritizing recovery, consistency paves the way for lasting results. 

Remember… transformation takes time, and sustainable lifestyle changes triumph over quick fixes.

So stay the course, celebrate small victories, and understand that each positive choice contributes to your overarching goal. The key to getting rid of love handles lies in the daily dedication to your well-being. Keep the momentum, and watch your efforts compound into a trimmer, more confident you.

Getting Rid Of Love Handles

Remember ... at the end of the day, we're talking about weight loss and fat loss.

If you want to know how to reduce love handles, the primary secret is, burning fat and losing weight.

To do that, you need a good game plan and one that will help you TransPHORM your body! 

This will include having a nutrition plan (main driver for your results), workout plan, drink water, sleep well, and recover smartly! 

Now, if that seems like a lot, or you feel overwhelmed... don't be! Whether you are a customer or not, one of our NASM Certified Personal Trainers can go over your plan, for free!

Helping you have peace of mind that you have the right plan to maximize your fat loss... and lose your love handles.

We can also help with proper supplementation, focused around what will actually help you get better results!

So really, if you need any help at all or have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out!

You can also download the 1st Phorm App to get access to a wide variety of resources designed to help you reach your goals. With 1-on-1 coaching, customized workout plans, nutrition tracking and advice ... you'll be well equipped to crush it!

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