We've all seen the health and fitness magazine covers that show a ripped guy or gal posing in a swimsuit with the headline reading something like this: "The Secret to Getting 6-Pack Abs!"
I'm sure you have an image in your head of it right now. We all, for the most part, are very familiar with the ab muscle that forms bumps commonly called the "6-pack". The truth is, this is only one of the several muscles that make up your core.
While most people are always pursuing the "6-pack" appearance by doing crunches and sit-ups ... they are leaving a lot on the table when it comes to the strength, appearance, and functionality of their entire core!
I know this is something that I neglected for the longest time ... and simply because I didn't know any better.
One of the more important muscles to strengthen in your core is your obliques. If you're truly looking for a strong, balanced core ... you definitely want to make sure to train your obliques.
In this blog, I'll explain what the obliques are, why they're important, and 20 of the best oblique exercises you can do to strengthen them and help you get the lean midsection you're looking for!
What Are the Obliques?
If you don't already know what the obliques are, they are the muscles that sit on either side of your core at the sides of your body.
The function of the obliques is mainly to help your body rotate, bend from side to side, and to protect your spine. So, if you really think about it, you use your obliques all the time.
You use your obliques to roll out of bed in the morning, back out of your driveway, turn to talk to somebody, and so much more. You’d be surprised at just how many times you use your obliques throughout the day!
The Benefits of Oblique Workouts
Strengthening your obliques is important to building a strong core. It can also be beneficial for sculpting the midsection you're after! Often overlooked, the obliques support your spine, improve posture, and enhance functional movement.
In fact, there can be more benefits to strong obliques than meets the eye. That's why I always recommend adding some oblique exercises to your program.
Enhanced Core Stability and Balance
Strong obliques can contribute to overall core stability. This can help improve your balance and control during daily activities and athletic movements.
Improved Spinal Health
Your core is the ultimate stabilization muscle because it stabilizes and protects your spine. Well, your obliques are a part of your core. By building stronger obliques and your core, you can reduce the risk of back injuries and discomfort.
Increased Functional Strength
The obliques assist in rotational movements and side bending. While this may not seem important, it's crucial in a lot of everyday tasks. Just think about any time you twist and turn your body! Training these muscles with oblique workouts can enhance your ability to perform these movements with ease.
Better Athletic Performance
Many sports require twisting and rotational movements. Strengthening your obliques can boost your performance in sports like tennis, golf, baseball, and hockey. As a golfer myself, I know oblique exercises have made a difference in my rotational strength!
How to Work Obliques
Obviously, these benefits can only come if you build your obliques. Like any other muscle, your obliques are built through hard work. Adding oblique exercises to your ab routine is a great way to strengthen these muscles and build your core.
What is the best way to work obliques? These combination exercises will increase strength in your obliques, abs, and other muscles.
Now, let's go over the 20 best oblique exercises to help you achieve your goals…
Top 20 Best Oblique Exercises
Now, I’m sure you’re wondering: “What are the best oblique workouts and exercises?"
While these may not be the 20 “best” exercises for obliques, they are 20 of my personal favorites, and for good reason! I’ll walk you through each one, and exactly how to perform the exercise correctly.
Side Planks

Now that you’re familiar with what the oblique muscles are … you may have anticipated this exercise. It's a classic and one of the best oblique exercises you can do without any equipment!
Start by laying on your side with your feet stacked on top of each other and your hands at your side. Prop your body up using your forearm and brace your core as you lift your hips off the ground. Your body should be in a straight line from head to toe, holding this position.
Hold this position for a set period of time such as 30-60 seconds, then switch sides to repeat. You can make this exercise even harder by lifting your leg toward the ceiling, forming a Y with your legs.

This is another good oblique workout that you can do with zero equipment! First, put yourself in a push-up position. Then, slowly rotate one arm away from the ground and toward the ceiling. Your body should naturally rotate until you are on your side, feet stacked on top of each other.
Your body will form a natural T position here. Hold this position for 3 seconds before slowly returning to the starting position. Then repeat on the other side.
Medicine Ball Rotational Toss

I tell you what … this exercise is much harder than it seems. I always get a great sweat in when I incorporate rotational tosses. First, you’ll need to start by finding a medicine ball and a sturdy wall or rebounder (exercise trampoline).
Side Note: I mention sturdy walls like brick or concrete because a medicine ball will ruin your drywall. So please do not use drywall!
Stand a few feet away from the wall and position yourself in a way where one side of your body faces the wall. Now, grab the medicine ball and push it outward at chest level, fully extending your arms. This is your starting position.
Next, rotate your upper body 90 degrees opposite the wall with your arms still fully extended with the medicine ball. From this position, quickly rotate your body 180 degrees towards the wall and release the medicine ball.
With enough rotational strength, the medicine ball should hit the wall and bounce directly back into your arms. Then, return to the starting position. I normally like doing a few sets of 20 reps on each side!
Bicycle Crunch

Another classic exercise for obliques: the Bicycle Crunch. Heck, maybe you’ve even done it before! Start this exercise by lying face-up and bending your knees and hips 90 degrees like you’re sitting in a chair.
After that, place your hand on either side of your head, bending your elbows. Twist your body to the left and drive your left knee until it touches your right forearm. At the same time, extend your right leg outward.
Then return back to the starting position and repeat this movement with the other side of your body. Repeat this until you’ve completed this for 20 reps on each side.
Cable Chops

For this one, you’ll need a cable machine. Start by setting the cable to be slightly above eye level. If you’re tall, you may want to kneel down to make this possible. Use a single-handle attachment for the cable and wrap both hands around it.
Position your body to the side of the cable machine, with your arms still holding onto the handle. Keeping your arms as straight as possible, rotate your midsection in the opposite direction of the cable. You'll eventually move the cable to the other side of your body to roughly hip level.
At this point, you'll slowly rotate your body back to the starting position and repeat again. Shoot for 10-20 reps on each side. If it's hard to keep your arms straight during this exercise ... lower the weight.
Bear Crunch

Here’s another great oblique muscle workout that you can do without equipment. Put yourself in a tabletop position to begin. This is where your hands and toes are planted on the ground with your knees underneath your hips and slightly elevated from the ground.
From this position, rotate your right knee underneath your body and lift your left arm from the ground. When you’ve fully rotated to your side, touch your knee to your elbow. Afterward, return back to the starting position and repeat this movement with your opposite leg and arm.
Russian Twists

This one is another classic and an exercise you’re probably already familiar with. Nonetheless, it’s a great workout for your obliques! For this exercise, you can use a medicine ball, or no weight at all … it is completely up to you.
Start in a seated position on the floor. While keeping your butt on the ground, raise your torso and legs off the ground, forming a V shape with your body. Your legs can be bent at the knees as long as your feet do not touch the ground.
From this position, and with a medicine ball in your hands or not, twist from side to side tapping the ball or your fingertips to either side of the floor. Russian twists tend to be an exercise you really have to rep out to feel the burn. I personally like doing sets of 40 here, so 20 total rotations on each side of your body.
Bird Dogs

Get into a tabletop position, this time with your knees planted on the floor. From here, lift your opposing leg and arm off the ground and extend them outward. Hold this position for 10-15 seconds, then return to a tabletop position.
Repeat this with your other arm and leg and do 5-10 total reps on each side.
Swiss Ball Stir-The-Pots

This exercise is a lot of fun, and there are also different variations that can be even more engaging. For this exercise, however, you’ll need a Swiss ball. Start by placing both of your forearms on top of the Swiss ball, extending your body and legs behind you in a plank position.
When you’re in this plank position, use your forearms to slowly rotate the Swiss ball in a small circle and keep your core braced. You can repeat this exercise for 30-60 seconds clockwise and counter-clockwise.
If you want to switch it up, try shifting the medicine ball to spell out a word with your forearms. Who knows … you may even make it a game to see how long of a word you can spell!
Cross-Body Mountain Climbers

Have you ever done mountain climbers before? Well, consider this to be a variation that really targets the obliques. Just like a normal mountain climber, you’ll start in a push-up position.
In this position, draw your left knee towards your right elbow underneath your body. Return your left knee to its starting position and repeat this same movement with your right knee and left elbow.
The windmill is another one of the best oblique exercises that requires minimal equipment. Begin by standing with your feet positioned wider than shoulder-width apart. Lift a kettlebell or dumbbell over your head with one hand.
Hinge at your hips and lean towards the side opposite the weight, smoothly sliding your opposite hand down your leg. It’s important to keep your legs straight and your core engaged throughout the movement to really target your obliques.
Return to the starting position with controlled precision and repeat on each side. This exercise is great for effectively working the oblique muscles while also incorporating a bit of a stretch.
This exercise starts in a similar position to the windmill. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold a dumbbell in one hand. Then lift the opposite leg straight out to the side. Bend at your waist and reach the dumbbell towards the toes of the lifted leg.
Remember to keep your back straight as you return to the starting position. The single-arm toe touch combines balance and flexibility, making it a great oblique exercise that enhances unilateral strength.
In addition to being an excellent oblique exercise, the windshield wiper challenges the core and lower body to improve rotational stability. To begin, lie on your back with your arms extended to the sides for support.
Lift your legs towards the ceiling and then lower them to one side, bringing them close to the floor. Lift them back to the center and repeat on the other side in a controlled, windshield wiper motion.
Set up a barbell in a landmine attachment or anchor it securely. Stand with the barbell in both hands at one end.
Rotate your torso and the barbell down to one side, then back up to the other side. The goal is to engage the core and control the rotational movement. Landmine rotations are a great option for enhancing rotational strength and stability.
Unleash the power of the woodchopper! For this oblique exercise, you will need a cable machine or a resistance band. Begin with the handle positioned high and pull it down diagonally across your body.
As you do so, pivot your feet and twist your torso, bringing the handle down. Engage your core throughout and focus on controlled movements to sculpt your obliques. This exercise effectively targets your muscles to promote both strength and rotational flexibility.
Begin in a side plank, either on your hand or forearm. Then, slowly lower your hip down toward the ground without allowing it to touch. Lift your hip back up to the starting side plank position.
Keep it controlled and keep those obliques engaged throughout the full movement. Repeat the exercise on the other side. Hip dips are great for supporting strong, stable side muscles.
For this exercise, start in a plank position with a dumbbell in each hand. Execute a row by lifting one dumbbell up to your hip while stabilizing your body with the other arm.
Lower the dumbbell back to the ground and repeat the movement on the other side. Renegade rows are an ideal exercise for building upper body strength, particularly targeting the back muscles and engaging the core for stability.
The cross-body mountain climbers are a fun twist on this classic, but the traditional mountain climber exercise is still a great option. Start in a plank position with your hands positioned directly under your shoulders. Drive one knee toward your chest and then quickly switch legs in a rapid, alternating motion resembling climbing a mountain.
Maintain a steady pace and engage your core throughout. Mountain climbers are a dynamic, full-body exercise that elevates your heart rate while sculpting the core muscles. Since this is a relatively fast movement, it’s best to go in cycles of 30-60 seconds instead of counting reps.
Lie on your side with your bottom arm extended and place your top hand behind your head. Lift your legs and upper body off the ground, bringing your elbow and knee toward each other in a crunching motion. Focus on squeezing your obliques, emphasizing the side of your abdominal muscles. Repeat the motion on the other side for balanced oblique development. Oblique Crunches are excellent for isolating and strengthening the side abdominal muscles.
You can jazz up your exercises for obliques with heel taps. Begin by lying on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground. With your arms at your sides, reach down and tap your heel with your fingertips. Return to the starting position and repeat this motion on the other side.
Heel taps are basically a side crunch while lying on your back, which makes them ideal for strengthening your obliques without the need for any fancy equipment.
Best Oblique Workouts
Each of these exercises is great for working your obliques. If you’re looking to build an oblique workout, use a combination of 3-6 of these exercises. Feel free to establish a routine you like, or switch it up!
What’s Your Goal?
Now, I want to be very clear on this. Just because you train your obliques doesn’t mean you’re going to get "super-ripped" abs. Can you? Of course you can! However, training your core muscles is only a small part of what it’s going to take.
So ask yourself … why do you want to start exercising your obliques? Are you looking to target midsection fat and really get your abs to pop? Do you want to strengthen all muscles of your core to improve your posture and prevent injury? Or do you have other goals in mind?
No matter what your goal is, we’re here to help! At 1st Phorm, we understand that earning results and maintaining them long-term is going to take a lifestyle change. That’s a change we’d love to help you make!
Because the truth is, you can do all the best oblique exercises you want and STILL not see results. This is where your nutrition, overall workout regimen, and lifestyle habits come into play. If that's where you're in need of help, consider downloading the 1st Phorm App!
The 1st Phorm App simplifies the process of earning results so you can focus on what matters most: putting in the work to reach your goals! Inside the app, you'll get access to every tool and resource you need to be successful...
• Nutrition tracking - Log your food & water to stay on track. The 1st Phorm App is connected to a massive food database to make it easy.
• A full library of workout programs catered to help you reach your goals. Choose between at-home programs, weightlifting, crosstraining, and so much more!
• Daily activity and step tracking to set goals and encourage a healthier lifestyle.
• Educational live streams 5x a week that cover a wide variety of topics from nutrition to training and supplementation. Equip yourself with the knowledge to earn and maintain your results long-term!
• Progress & body metric tools to help you measure your progress over time.
...and so much more!
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Hundreds of thousands of people have already transformed their lives with the 1st Phorm App. You can too! No matter where you're starting from or how crazy your schedule and lifestyle are ... the 1st Phorm App can help you achieve the results you've always wanted.
If you have any questions or need any help at all, reach out to us!
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