Have you ever looked in the mirror, flexed your abs, and didn’t like what you saw?
Maybe you saw some muscles showing up top, but couldn’t see your lower abs.
Maybe they were spread really far apart.
Or maybe they didn’t line up next to each other on both sides. They may be a little bit staggered.
No two bodies are the same, so it’s okay if your abs don’t look exactly as expected. I understand though, it can be frustrating to work your tail off for an unexpected result.
“So why are my abs uneven?” Well, the truth is uneven abs are super common!
They can be uneven for many reasons. It could be anything from your genetics to muscle imbalances. This is true even among top bodybuilders!
Getting those abs to show, even if they're a bit uneven, is a huge fitness win! It means you've got some strong abs, and are lean enough to show them off.
Not everyone can say that, so please don’t be discouraged by this!
I get it ... uneven abs may seem annoying to see in the mirror. Understanding why they happen and what you can do about it makes all the difference, though.
Let's look at some of the causes of uneven abs. Then we can talk about some potential solutions, depending on the underlying cause.
What Causes Uneven Abs?
If you find yourself asking: “Why are my abs uneven?” then I’m sure you’re interested in the potential causes.
Asymmetrical abs can be a bit of a puzzle, but there are a few possible reasons to explain why you may have uneven abs. Here are some of those reasons:
Why Are My Abs Uneven? It Might Just Be Your Genetics
The truth is, sometimes having staggered abs is due to genetics.
Now, this would be the case if they naturally look staggered or unbalanced. Especially when you have very little fat covering them.
If your individual ab muscles don’t look symmetrical on the left and right, this is likely the reason. Your genetic makeup determines how your muscles develop, and where they’re placed.
Some people naturally have more separation between the left and right sides of their abs. Some naturally are just more staggered.
If one side of your abs appears more defined or prominent, it could simply be the way your genes are wired.
I personally have staggered abs, and it’s very visible when I’m at a very low body fat percentage. In college, I remember talking to my anatomy professor about it.
They reassured me that it’s all in my genes, and no amount of training is going to change it. The only real change I could make was making each ab muscle larger or smaller.
This, of course, depends on my training and nutrition. There’s nothing wrong with having uneven abs, and they function just as well as anyone else's.
Also, it could be a bit of body fat covering one side of your abs more than the other. This is also totally normal, and our genetics really choose where we store body fat.
I wish it were different, but it’s nothing out of the ordinary if that’s the case. Nor is it anything you should be ashamed of!
Why Are My Abs Uneven? It Could Be From a Muscle Imbalance
Muscle imbalances or dysfunctions could lead to uneven abs, too. This would be the case more so if there was an imbalance in ab size rather than in ab placement.
If some muscles in your core are more developed than others, it can create an uneven appearance. This could be due to overuse of one side of your body. It could even be from an injury that made you compensate with other muscles, like one side of your abs.
Allow me to give you an example of this.
Imagine your job requires you to carry a heavy suitcase multiple times a week. Not only that, but you always carry it on the same side every time.
Over time, the oblique and abs on one side of your body will get very strong, but the other side won’t. This may cause those muscles to grow, while your body is given no reason to grow the other side.
This could lead to uneven abs. For this reason, it's always important to train both sides of your body equally.
Why Are My Abs Uneven? It Could Be From Athletics
This goes along with the last reason why your abs could be uneven.
Athletic training often uses certain movements that can lead to muscular imbalances. That is if you’re not training in a balanced fashion.
Some sports cause dominant use of one side of your body too. Sports like tennis or golf, for example, could contribute to an uneven six-pack.
I wouldn’t say sports like these will lead to a drastically unbalanced physique. However, training only one side of the body like that could accentuate any imbalances.
That’s why some players try to train with both sides, to allow for even muscle development.
So for instance, if you swing a golf club right-handed, your core is constantly exploding to the left. It would be helpful in the gym to also train your core with explosive rotations to your right.
That way things can stay in a better balance, and will be less likely to contribute to an uneven appearance.
Why Are My Abs Uneven? It Could Be Posture-Related
Believe it or not, your posture can have an impact on the appearance of your abs too. Here’s an example.
Imagine laying on a couch every day after work to watch TV and relax. Some people lay on one side more than the other and lay the same way every day out of habit.
This could cause one side of your core to become overactive while the other side weakens. Over a long enough period of time, there may be some noticeable differences between them.
Again, this is related to the last two reasons, but it all comes down to muscle strength imbalances. If your posture is dysfunctional, your muscles will develop unequally on both sides.
This could also happen if your posture is off when you stand and walk. Your body is mostly symmetrical, so if you want to look that way you need to treat your body that way.
Over time, bad posture could potentially lead to more uneven-looking abs. If this is the case, you may also be dealing with pain in your back or other joints.
So if you deal with those issues too, it may be a sign that you need to correct your posture.
What Can You Do About Uneven Abs?
If you have uneven abs, don't sweat it. There are a couple of things you can try to help balance things out.
Targeted Exercises
I talked about this a little bit in the athletic training section. You can focus on exercises that target each side of your core individually. This could help you to balance out both sides of your core over time.
Add exercises like these into your routine:
• Side planks
• Dumbbell suitcase carries
• Half-kneeling medicine ball throws
These exercises are great for engaging your obliques and other muscles of your core. Working them individually allows you to focus on fully training each side, one side at a time.
Plus, exercises like these are pretty versatile. For instance, side planks don't only target the obliques, but also improve core stability.
Lowering Body Fat Percentage
Sometimes, uneven abs can appear more pronounced due to higher body fat levels.
So in this case, if you lose some body fat you may be able to achieve a more even look in your abs. To do this, you’ll have to exercise and follow a proper diet, but it’s totally achievable!
You've probably heard the saying "abs are made in the kitchen." I agree, but they're also made in the gym, obviously. The point is, working out is important, but you can’t outwork a bad diet!
Losing body fat could make your abs more visible. By doing this, you may uncover a more even appearance.
Corrective Exercises for Posture and Training Imbalances
If you don’t have the greatest posture, this area is a pretty good place to start to improve the symmetry of your abs.
Incorporate exercises that improve your posture, like planks, bridges, and dead bugs.
Also, pay attention to your form during workouts to avoid favoring one side over the other. Favoring one side can lead to overuse injuries, so be careful.
Make sure you’re training each side of your abs, and the rest of your body, equally. Doing unilateral exercises (training one side at a time) can be really helpful here.
If you’re totally unsure of how to correct your posture, don't worry. You could always contact a corrective exercise specialist or physical therapist.
Outside of exercise, be mindful of your body position no matter where you are. Oftentimes it’s when we are relaxing that our posture becomes the worst.
I'll cover some exercises that can help you target your abs and obliques on both sides. Just know, they're not necessarily corrective exercises for posture. However, all of them can help balance out some core muscle imbalances if they’re present.
Exercises To Help Uneven Abs
Side Plank
A good ole side plank can do a lot for your abs. It’s mostly working your obliques, but your entire core is involved.
1. Lie on your side with your legs straight, feet stacked, and your elbow directly under your shoulder.
2. Lift your hips off the ground so your body forms a straight line from head to heels. Push your forearm into the ground and brace your core hard.
3. Hold this position for as long as you can while maintaining good form.
4. Switch sides and repeat for the same amount of time.
Sledgehammer Swings
The sledgehammer swing is a dynamic exercise that mimics the motion of chopping wood.
It does require a sledgehammer or steel mace. It also requires a large tractor tire or something that can withstand taking a beating like one.
This exercise helps with rotational strength and engages both sides of your body. It also works your abs quite well!
1. Stand in front of a tractor tire with a sledgehammer in both hands. Your feet should be staggered with your left foot forward. Your right hand should be near the top of the sledgehammer, and your left hand near the bottom.
2. Rotate to your right, and swing the sledgehammer to position it over your right shoulder.
3. As you do this, in one fluid motion, rotate to your left and pull the handle diagonally toward your left hip. Allow your right hand to slide down the handle and hit the tire as hard as you can.
4. Repeat this for reps before switching sides to perform an equal number of reps.
Single-Leg V-Ups
Single-leg V-ups are a challenging core exercise that works your abs, obliques, and hip flexors. Doing them in a single-leg fashion will help make sure one side isn't doing most of the work.
1. Lie on your back with your arms extended overhead and your legs straight.
2. Lift your left leg and your upper body simultaneously. Reach your right hand towards your left foot to form a "V" shape with your body.
3. Lower back down slowly with control.
4. Repeat on the other side, and do an equal amount of reps on both sides.
Bicycle Crunches
Bicycle crunches are a great exercise for improving rotational strength, and target both the abs and obliques. Just be sure not to favor one side as you do them so you train each side equally.
1. Lay with your back on the floor, and touch your fingertips to your head around your ears. Keep your elbows flared out.
2. Engage your abs to lift your head and shoulders slightly off the ground. At the same time lift both feet 6 inches off the ground.
3. Bring your left knee up towards your chest while keeping your right leg straight. At the same time, rotate to your left and touch your right elbow to your left knee.
4. Straighten your left leg and pull your right knee towards your chest. At the same time rotate to your right and touch your left elbow to your right knee.
5. Move continuously back and forth, and repeat for an equal number of reps on both sides.
Dumbbell Suitcase Carry
The dumbbell suitcase carry is a functional exercise that really engages your obliques.
It’s more of an isometric exercise, meaning it’s not going through any range of motion. It’s a static hold, which is great for training your core to stabilize in everyday life situations.
It not only strengthens the obliques but also engages the entire core. This can definitely help to address any potential imbalances.
1. Hold a dumbbell in one hand and stand with your feet hip-width apart.
2. Engage your core and walk forward, keeping your torso upright and avoiding any leaning to one side. You should feel this in the oblique opposite to the side with the dumbbell.
3. After a set time, switch the dumbbell to the other hand and repeat. Repeat for an equal amount of time on both sides.
Pallof Press
This is one of my favorites! It's an anti-rotational exercise that focuses on the deep core muscles and stability.
The Pallof Press is great at forcing your core to work just by resisting any rotation in your upper body.
1. Attach a resistance band to a fixed point at chest height.
2. Stand facing perpendicularly to the direction the band is running. Your feet should be shoulder-width apart, and you should hold the band with both hands close to your chest.
3. Step to the side away from where the band is anchored to stretch the band. Activate your core and get ready to brace.
4. Press the band straight out in front of you, and resist every bit of rotation. You’ll feel your core tighten up in order to keep you facing the same direction.
5. Hold for a second, then pull your arms back to your chest.
6. Repeat for reps, and do an equal amount of reps on both sides.
If you feel it was too easy, just take another step to the side to stretch the band more!
Half-Kneeling Medicine Ball Rotational Throw
The half-kneeling medicine ball rotational throw may be a mouthful to say. It’s also an awesome exercise for increasing strength and power in your core in a functional way.
If you play golf, baseball, or softball, then this is definitely for you. In those sports, you’re already doing explosive rotational movements using your core.
This exercise can help balance out the other side for even strength across your entire core. You’ll need a soft medicine ball and a wall to throw the ball against.
1. Position yourself 2-3 feet from a wall and turn to face it perpendicularly with the wall on your left side.
2. Kneel down on your right knee with your left knee still up, similar to a lunge.
3. Grab the medicine ball and counter-rotate to your right as you prepare to explode to the left.
4. Quickly rotate to your left and throw the ball as hard as you can at the wall.
5. Catch the medicine ball off the wall and reset.
6. Repeat for an equal amount of reps on both sides.
Another Tip For Symmetrical Abs
The answer to, “Why are my abs uneven?” isn’t going to be the same for every person.
Also, remember that achieving a perfectly symmetrical set of abs may not be possible for everyone. Most people have somewhat asymmetrical abs anyway.
However, you can build more definition in your abs and improve their appearance no matter what they look like currently! If they’re uneven due to your genetics, it’s likely not something you’re going to make perfect, and that’s okay. No one is perfect, and you can still get a killer set of abs that look great!
If your abs look uneven due to your posture, muscle imbalances, or body fat, then there can be room for changes. The exercises I listed above can be very helpful in that case.
But, knowing a few exercises isn’t everything you need in order to be successful.
In fitness, progression is important. It’s also important to know how to switch up your exercises over time.
Our bodies get used to our training as we go. So we need to find new ways to challenge our bodies to continue making progress over time.
Not everyone knows how to program their workouts properly. Being that a big component of getting your abs to show is through diet, that will be important too. Yet again, knowing exactly what to eat and how much isn't obvious.
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