Woman Doing a Cable Glute Kickback

10 Amazing Cable Exercises For Your Glutes

Want to know a great way to help build some extra muscle in your glutes?

Well, you’re in the right place. Today, I wanted to introduce you to a highly underrated way to train your glutes.

I've got two words for you ... Cable Exercises!

Now, most good glute workouts include the same things: squats, deadlifts, leg curls ... you know, the usual. These are great exercises that you definitely should incorporate.

But if you're looking for some alternative ways to really challenge your glutes, cable exercises can be great!

Not only will you love the results you see, but cable machine workouts can also be:

1. Safe

They can help improve your form and reduce your risk of injury.

2. Versatile & Efficient

No matter what muscle group you're looking to train, a cable machine allows you to train it. You can also change your grip, change the angle, and adjust the weight with ease.

This can help you target your muscles in many different ways to challenge your body and build strength.

3. A Great Way to Increase Your Range of Motion

Range of motion is how far you can move your joints in different directions. Increasing your range of motion can help you move better and become more flexible.

When you can move your joints through their full range of motion, you can improve both muscle strength and size.

With cables, you have more control over it and you can increase or decrease range of motion as needed.

4. An Effective Way to Flatten the Resistance Curve (Continuous Resistance)

Cable machines provide constant tension whether you're at the top or bottom of any movement.

You see, gravity has a resistance curve. With free weight exercises, you're pushing or pulling against the force of gravity. The resistance curve explains the leverage advantages and disadvantages at certain points in the range of motion. To put that simply, this just means some parts of the repetition might be easier while other parts might be more difficult.

With a cable though, the pulley mechanism allows for constant resistance. There won't be any point during an exercise where you'll have more or less leverage. This is great news, especially if you're looking to increase time under tension.

But enough about the cable machines ... let’s dive into some of the exercises you can include in your next workout!

10 Cable Machine Exercises For Your Glutes

I hope you take your favorites from this list, add them to your glute day, and see some awesome results!

On top of these exercises, I'll be sure to include some example workouts you can do ... so stick around!

1. Donkey Kicks

Let's kick things off the right way ... with donkey kicks! See what I did there?

What You Need: Ankle Strap Attachment

How To: Attach an ankle strap to a cable pulley at the lowest possible height setting. From here, stand facing the cable machine and attach the strap to one of your ankles.

Lean forward half way to the ground, while keeping your back straight and hold the machine for support. Keep a slight bend in the leg you are standing on for support. Bend the leg with the strap to 90 degrees.

Kick your leg straight back, driving with your heel. Bring it back to 90 degrees with each rep. Make sure you are squeezing your glutes at the top of the movement.

Make it Harder: If you'd like to make this workout harder, you can add a pulse after you kick your leg back.

Make it Easier: Get on all 4's, bend one knee to 90 degrees, and press your foot to the ceiling.

2. Kneeling Pull-Through

What You Need: Rope Attachment

How To: Set the cable machine to the lowest possible height setting. Attach the rope and face away from the cable machine. Drop to your knees and lean forward to reach through your legs to grab and hold the rope attachment.

With your back straight, squeeze your glutes and hinge at your hips to bring your body upward. The rope should come between your legs as you squeeze.

Hold for a second before you begin to reverse the movement and repeat for reps.

Make it Harder: Add a pulse when you reach the top of the movement.

Make it Easier: Use little or no weight and focus on your form and tempo.

3. Hip Abductions

What You Need: Ankle Strap or Single Handle Attachment

How To: Set the pulley to its lowest height setting and attach an ankle strap/single handle strap. Stand with one side of your body facing the cable machine and put the ankle strap on your outside leg (the leg furthest from the machine).

Hold the machine for stability. Keeping your body and legs straight, raise your outside leg out to the side as far as you can. Hold for a second before returning your leg to center.

Repeat this for reps before switching sides.

Make it Harder: Place a resistance band above your knees (before you put on the ankle strap).

Make it Easier: Ditch the cable machine and use your body weight.

4. Hip Extensions

What You Need: Ankle Strap Attachment

How To: This exercise is similar to the donkey kick but your leg stays straight the entire time and you are standing up! Start by setting the cable machine to the lowest height setting.

Stand facing the machine and attach the strap to one of your ankles. Grip the machine with both hands. Keep a slight bend in your knees as you push the leg with the strap on it behind you. Keep your body upright and go back as far as you can.

When you go as far as you can, bring your leg back to center, tapping your toe on the floor before raising it again. Repeat this for reps before switching legs.

Make it Harder: Just like the donkey kicks, add a pulse at the top of the movement.

Make it Easier: Get on all 4's and straighten one leg out behind you to mimic this movement.

5. Pull-Throughs

What You Need: Rope Attachment

How To: Set the cable machine to the lowest setting and attach the rope. Face away from the cable machine and grab the rope attachment between your legs.

Take a step forward and stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, with a slight bend in your knees. Lean forward, hinging at your hips until you feel a stretch in your hamstrings. Hold for a second before you stand up, squeezing your glutes at the top.

Make it Harder: Grab a single handle attachment. This time, stand facing the machine and hold the handle with an overhand grip, keeping your arm extended. Balance on one leg, bend your knee, then lean forward at your hips, keeping your back leg off the floor. Feel the stretch, squeeze your glute, then stand.

Make it Easier: Kettlebell Swings

6. Reverse Lunges

What You Need: Single Handle Attachment

How To: Place the handle on the cable and set it to belly button height. Face the cable, grab the handle with both hands, then take a giant step back with one leg.

Slowly sink into your hips until your back knee gently touches the floor. Stand up and switch legs. You'll alternate between each leg until you complete a set number of reps.

Make it Harder: Stand on a box, then step down. Alternate between which leg steps up and down each time.

Make it Easier: Use your bodyweight and step back for your lunges.

7. Cable Deadlift

What You Need: Rope Attachment

How To: Set the cable to the lowest height setting possible and attach a rope. Grab the rope in both hands, face the machine, and stand 3ft back from the cable.

Space your feet to be shoulder-width apart and keep a slight bend in your knees. With your back straight, extend your arms forward and slowly bend at your hips. Send your butt back until you feel a good stretch.

Squeeze your glutes as you stand back up and bring your elbows back too.

Making it Harder: Stand on a step for a bigger stretch or add a resistance band above your knees.

Making it Easier: Lighten the weight or just perform the movement with your body.

8. Lateral Lunges

What You Need: Cable Machine, Ankle Strap

How To: Set your ankle strap to the lowest cable setting possible and stand with one side of your body facing the cable machine. Place the ankle strap on the ankle facing away from the cable machine.

Take a wide step out to the side, sinking into your outside hip. Go as low as you can before pushing back up to standing. Repeat this for reps between turning and switching legs.

Make it Harder: Instead of leaving your leg straight to the side as you lunge, bring it diagonally behind you, like a curtsy.

Make it Easier: Use a single handle attachment and hold it by your chin instead of the ankle strap.

9. Chair Squats

What You Need: Straight-Bar Attachment

How To: Grab a straight-bar and place it at the lowest position on the cable machine. Stand facing the cable with your feet together. Grab the bar with an overhand grip and keep your arms extended.

Squat down to 90 degrees, hold at the bottom of the squat for two seconds, then push through your heels and squeeze your glutes to stand.

Make it Harder: Increase the weight, place your toes on a weight plate, and slow down the tempo.

Make it Easier: Lighten the weight or use no weight and just do some air squats.

10. Cable Squat Deadlift

What You Need: 2 Single Handle Attachments and Two Cables that are opposite of each other. You will likely feel like you're under an arch, with one cable on each side of you, at the base of the "arch" or "towers."

How To: Place a handle on each of the cables and set the cables to the lowest height setting possible. Grab a handle in each hand and stand in the center of the machine with your arms straight at either side. Keep your feet shoulder-width apart.

With your back straight, lower your butt to the floor and hinge forward to bring your abs to your thighs. From here, push through your heels and squeeze through your glutes to stand.

Repeat this for reps.

Make it Harder: Increase the weight, slow down your tempo, or add a resistance band above your knees.

Make it Easier: Widen your stance or lighten the weight.

Piecing it Together: Cable Machine Glute Workouts

Now that we've covered some of the best cable machine glute exercises ... let's put it together into a workout!

Here are a couple of workouts you can try for your next glute day to really feel the burn!

Workout One

Exercise Sets Reps
Donkey Kicks 4 12-15 Each Leg
Pull-Throughs 4 10-15
Hip Abduction 4 10-12 Each Leg
Reverse Lunges 4 10-12 Each Leg
Cable Squat Deadlifts 4 8-12

Workout Two

Exercise Sets Reps
Hip Extensions 4 12-15 Each Side
Kneeling Pull-Throughs 4 10-12
Lateral Lunges 4 10-12 Each Leg
Cable Deadlifts 4 8-10
Chair Squats 4 10-12

Nutrition and Recovery

While all of these exercises are great for toning and shaping your glutes, if you truly want to get all the benefits ... you need to make sure you are recovering properly!

It’s not just what you do in the gym that matters ... it's what you do outside the gym that makes a real difference in your results. Proper post-workout nutrition and rest days are crucial for your body to repair and build your muscles back stronger.

The best thing you can do to start recovering faster is implementing a proper post-workout supplement.

With resistance training style workouts like these, I always recommend a rapid digesting carbohydrate and protein source, such as Phormula-1 and Ignition.

Rest days are also very important to ensure your body is rested, repaired and recovered. That way, you allow your body time to repair and build new muscle tissue.

1st Phorm Post Workout Stack

How Can We Help?

No matter what your goal is ... we're here to help. Don't hesitate to reach out to us for any help you may need. We have a full team of NASM Certified Personal Trainers & Certified Sports Nutrition Coaches who are more than happy to help you for free.

So, whether you're looking for workout help, diet help, or anything else to help you reach your goals ... we’ve got you covered!