The Benefits of Whey Protein

The Benefits of Whey Protein

Growing up, I always thought of whey protein as this huge jug of powder for bodybuilders, like Arnold Schwarzenegger. I figured it was something they took to get as big as possible.

It seemed like all whey protein powders were promoted by bodybuilders and other big names in the fitness industry. So, it only made sense that it was a product for bodybuilders, right?

Well, it turns out that whey protein isn’t just for bodybuilders and serious fitness junkies. Whey protein can be for anyone looking to get better results with their health or fitness goals.

Believe it or not, there are actually a ton of benefits to whey protein past just helping with muscle growth and repair. Stick around to find out the benefits of whey protein powder, and how it can help you reach your goals!

What is Whey Protein?

Let’s start with the basics. What exactly is whey protein powder?

The Difference Between Whey and Casein Protein

In the late 1980’s, the supplement industry began to market a new product: whey protein powder. It just so happens that one byproduct of making cheese is a very rich source of protein: whey.

Once the whey is isolated from milk, it can then be processed into a powder.

Whey protein quickly became a hot commodity because it was an easy way to get a complete source of protein. That’s right: whey protein powders contain all nine of the amino acids your body needs to repair and build new muscle.

No wonder it caught the attention of the fitness industry in no time!

Types of Whey Protein

Since the 80’s, whey protein powders have come quite a long way. While whey protein powders are often referred to as just “protein powder” or “whey protein” … there are actually 3 different types.

Whey Protein Concentrate

The most common type of whey protein you’ll find is whey protein concentrate. This type of whey protein powder can be up to 80% protein, with the remaining 20% or more (depending on the protein content) coming from lactose and fats.

You’ll often find this type of whey protein being used in replacement of a meal or snack throughout the day.

Whey Protein Isolate

Whey protein isolate is a form of whey protein that is processed to remove a majority of the lactose and fat content. For that reason, you’ll find a higher percentage of protein by weight in an isolate - at least 90% protein by weight or more.

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Whey protein isolates are also more suitable for those with a lactose intolerance because of this. On top of that, they are often used after intense workouts for recovery, because they can be digested more quickly.

Whey Protein Hydrolysate

Whey protein hydrolysate is the most easily-absorbed form of whey protein. It gets its name from the process it undergoes called hydrolysis. This process breaks down the protein into smaller peptides.

Whey protein hydrolysate is a phenomenal option for post-workout recovery too. This is because your body doesn't have to do much work in breaking down and digesting the protein.

The Top 5 Benefits of Whey Protein

No matter what your goals are, there’s a high chance that whey protein can be beneficial for you. Now that you know a little more about what whey protein is, let’s dive into the benefits.

Here are what I consider to be the top 5 benefits you can get from whey protein…

1. Whey Protein Can Aid In Fat Loss

We all know that whey protein can be helpful for building muscle. But, did you know that whey protein can be beneficial for fat loss as well?

You see, the more muscle tissue your body has, the more calories your body will burn at rest. This is because muscle tissue is a very metabolically active tissue.

Since whey protein can help your body preserve and build new lean muscle … it can be a great tool to help you maintain a high resting metabolism while you’re working to lose weight. This, in turn, can be very beneficial for fat loss.

At the same time, protein has the highest thermic effect of food (TEF). This is a term used to describe the amount of energy it takes for your body to digest and absorb the food you eat. Basically, your body uses energy (burns calories) just from eating and digesting protein! For this reason, whey protein can be a phenomenal option for helping with fat loss.

2. Whey Protein Can Promote Muscle Growth

As a complete protein source, whey protein can help your body repair and build muscle. Believe it or not, whey protein actually happens to be one of the best protein sources for muscle building (1).

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That’s because whey protein has a high concentration of the branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs). These amino acids, especially leucine (2), have been shown to be crucial for maximizing new muscle growth.

3. Whey Protein Can Help You Feel Full

If your goal is to lose weight, you have to consume less calories than you’re burning on a daily basis. This is ultimately the equation which contributes to whether you gain or lose weight.

When you have to eat in a calorie deficit though, cravings and hunger can be an issue. That’s where whey protein can help out. Whey protein, and protein in general, can help with feeling more full or satiated throughout the day (3).

This can make it much easier for you to stick to your weight loss plan and see the results you’re looking for.

4. Whey Protein Can Support Immune Health

Protein is made up of amino acids. These amino acids are also building blocks for the cells in your body?

Multiple studies have shown just how important these amino acids can be for the immune system (4). BCAAs, in particular, have even been shown to be essential for lymphocyte responsiveness and supporting other immune cell functions (5).

So if you’re looking to keep your immune system strong, the amino acid profile in whey protein can be a great way to do so.

5. Whey Protein Can Support Healthy Hair, Skin & Nails

When you eat protein, your body breaks the protein down into amino acids. These amino acids can then be synthesized into all sorts of things. Your hair, skin, and nails happen to be three of the things your body uses protein for.

When to Use Amino Acids

Everybody has heard about how great collagen is for your hair, skin, and nails. But, do you know what collagen actually is? Collagen is a connective protein made from amino acids!

So, if you’re looking for a way to get healthier hair, skin, and nails … protein may just be your answer.

1st Phorm Whey Protein

Long before 1st Phorm was founded in 2008, our company was built from humble beginnings. Our founders, Andy and Chris, knew that the only way to grow as a company was to do right by people. This meant that we design supplements around one concept … make the very best products to help people get the very best results possible.

Whey protein has been a staple in our supplement line ever since we started. When it comes to whey protein, we offer two of the highest quality options you can find!


A blend of whey concentrate, whey isolate, and even milk protein ... Level-1 is a reliable, convenient, and high-quality protein source you can count on anytime you’re in a pinch. I typically utilize Level-1 between meals as a snack, or before bed, when I'm a little low on my protein goal for the day!

Level-1 is designed to give your body a steady stream of amino acids over a few hours to keep you full.


Phormula-1 is a premium-sourced whey protein isolate that is by far the best-tasting and best-mixing isolate on the market. I prefer to utilize Phormula-1 pre- and post-workout, because of its rapid absorption rate.

1st Phorm Post Workout Stack

Phormula-1 is a hydrolyzed, 100% whey protein isolate, meaning it is both a whey protein hydrolysate and whey protein isolate. This makes it the best protein on the market, bar none, when it comes to post-workout recovery.

Whey Protein Is Just One Piece of the Puzzle

Can whey protein help you reach your health and fitness goals? Most certainly, it can. However, whey protein is just one piece of a much bigger puzzle when it comes to seeing results.

It's no secret that your nutrition and exercise as a whole are the foundation of living a healthy lifestyle. The same can be said about earning the results you're after.

Whether you want to build muscle, burn fat, or just be healthier overall, your diet and exercise need to be dialed in. Sure, you can add in more whey protein, but if you aren't tracking your protein, calories, and really pushing it with your workouts ... nothing is guaranteed.

That's where we can help. If you're looking to make your goals a reality, check out the 1st Phorm App!

Download the 1st Phorm App

The 1st Phorm App is an amazing tool that can help you reach any and all of your health and fitness goals. Inside the app, you get access to a library of workout programs, nutrition tracking, messaging with your own advisor, and so much more.

We also have a team of NASM Certified Personal Trainers and Nutrition Coaches who can point you in the right direction. Just give us a call at 1-800-409-9732 or send us an email at anytime!



(1) Duarte NM, Cruz AL, Silva DC, Cruz GM. Intake of whey isolate supplement and muscle mass gains in young healthy adults when combined with resistance training: a blinded randomized clinical trial (pilot study). J Sports Med Phys Fitness. 2020 Jan;60(1):75-84. doi: 10.23736/S0022-4707.19.09741-X. Epub 2019 Sep 23. PMID: 31565912.


(2) Garlick PJ. The role of leucine in the regulation of protein metabolism. J Nutr. 2005 Jun;135(6 Suppl):1553S-6S. doi: 10.1093/jn/135.6.1553S. PMID: 15930468.


(3) Paddon-Jones D, Westman E, Mattes RD, Wolfe RR, Astrup A, Westerterp-Plantenga M. Protein, weight management, and satiety. Am J Clin Nutr. 2008 May;87(5):1558S-1561S. doi: 10.1093/ajcn/87.5.1558S. PMID: 18469287.

(4) Daly JM, Reynolds J, Sigal RK, Shou J, Liberman MD. Effect of dietary protein and amino acids on immune function. Crit Care Med. 1990 Feb;18(2 Suppl):S86-93. PMID: 2105184.

(5) Calder PC. Branched-chain amino acids and immunity. J Nutr. 2006 Jan;136(1 Suppl):288S-93S. doi: 10.1093/jn/136.1.288S. PMID: 16365100.