Woman Running in a Weighted Vest

What is 75 HARD and What Are the Rules?

When it comes to becoming the best version of yourself...

Whether that be mentally, physically, professionally, or in your relationships with friends & family... The truth is, it all starts with your actions, and what you can control.

YOU are the only person responsible for becoming the best version of yourself.

That means you have to be in control of your actions.

When you're in control of your actions, you have the power to become whoever it is you want to become.

But being in control takes work... hard work.

You have to challenge yourself, never give up, and train your brain to develop perseverance and discipline. Unfortunately, most of us don't really know how to build discipline and perseverance.

Well, a great way to develop these skills and take control of your life is through the program; 75 HARD, created by 1st Phorm founder, Andy Frisella.

Some of you may know of it as the "75 HARD Challenge" or 75-Day HARD (because of the days you'll commit to it), but this program isn't a fitness program, a diet, or a self-help journey.

So, what is it then? Let’s take a deep dive into 75 HARD.

What is 75 HARD?

75 HARD is a transformative mental toughness program that can help you change your life.

It’s a program designed to help you become the best version of yourself in every way imaginable.

7 Habits That Will Improve Your Workout

With 75 HARD, you can take control of your way of thinking, your health, and even the level of discipline that you take on any task in front of you.

Really, 75 HARD is a way for you to work on and develop mental toughness... in every aspect of your life.

As Andy puts it, through 75 HARD, you can (and will) "100x the following traits in your life...":

• Confidence
• Self-esteem
• Self-worth
• Self-belief
• Fortitude
• Grittiness
• Discipline

Thousands of people have completed 75 HARD and have seen incredible results. But, there's a reason that it's called 75 HARD. It's hard... real hard. Committing to completing all 75 days of the program is grueling and uncomfortable. At the same time, I promise you it is worth it.

By completing 75 HARD, you can take control complete control of your life.

So 75 HARD is a program to transform yourself, but what exactly does it mean? We’re going to look at that in more depth shortly.

How Can 75 HARD Help Me Reach My Goals?

That's a great question...

And actually, a great point too ... because 75 HARD is a program that CAN help you, but the program itself won't do the work for you.

The program itself trains and empowers you with the skills you need to reach your goals in all aspects of life. But, in order to master those skills, you have to commit to the program.

You have to be willing to get uncomfortable, commit to doing the work, and actually EARN the changes you're looking for ... the changes the program was designed to help you develop.

By forcing yourself into uncomfortable situations and having to overcome obstacles on a consistent basis, "with zero compromises & zero substitutions", you can't help but grow from it!

That could mean making strides in your career ... gaining the confidence to start that new business ... strengthening the relationships that matter most in your life ... overhauling the way you think, and your ability to take action ... or even just being in the best shape of your life, as a direct result of the work you're putting in.

To put it simply, 75 HARD is a tremendous program for those looking to overhaul their lives, and become the best version of themselves.

The "crazy" part ... it's absolutely, 100%, no-strings attached FREE to participate in.

But what does taking on 75 HARD require?

75 HARD Rules

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75 HARD is a program that requires you to complete 5 critical tasks every day for 75 days straight. These critical tasks aren't as much 'rules' or 'restrictions' as much as they are habits that you can build and exercise everyday to increase your mental toughness.

75 HARD Critical Tasks:

• Follow a Nutrition Plan of Your Choice - No Alcohol or Cheat Meals
• Two 45-Minute Workouts - One MUST Be Outside
• Drink 1 Gallon of Water
• Read 10 Pages of a Non-Fiction, Personal-Development Focused Book
• Take a Progress Picture

All of these tasks must be completed with absolutely zero compromises and zero substitutions.

That means no rest days ... no cheat days ... no "I'm too tired" ... No getting out of it or around it.

Remember: the entire focus of the program is to help you develop bulletproof mental toughness. This is about becoming the best version of yourself possible.

That's why if you miss a task on any given day of the program, you have to restart from day 1.

Allow me to break down each critical task and how it's going to help you...

Critical Task #1 - Follow a Nutrition Plan

For the first task, you must follow a nutrition plan that is designed for your goals, with zero alcohol, and no cheat meals. Period.

It doesn't matter if it's Keto, Paleo, Vegan, Flexitarian, or anything else. If the diet is going to help you reach your goals, it can be whichever diet you want to follow!

There are a lot of people that use the 1st Phorm App to follow and track their diet.

Critical Task #1 can help you develop the discipline that you need to excel in every area of your life.

How Many Calories Do You Burn From Walking?

Even though the diet is the most difficult part of the program for most people, it can help you gain the discipline to control every decision you make ... no matter what situation you find yourself in.

Plus ... in addition to the discipline that Critical Task #1 can help you create, executing this task for 75 days straight can help you be in the best physical shape of your life!

With how interconnected the health of your body and brain are ... this is an important aspect of becoming the best possible version of yourself.

After all, your body and mind are two tools you use to create the life you want every single day.

Critical Task #2 - Two 45-Minute Workouts (1 Must Be Outside)

On each of the 75 days of 75 HARD, you must complete two 45-minute workouts, with one of those workouts being outside.

This means that no matter what the weather is (rain, snow, wind, or shine) you must work out outside for at least 45 minutes each day!

That said ... the type of workout doesn't matter, as long as you're getting your body up and moving, with the intent to get better every day ... it counts!

You can run, lift weights, go for a walk, do yoga, or even hit a cross-training workout in the backyard.

The important thing is that you get outside, battle through the challenges and excuses that will inevitably pop up along the way, and put in the work every single day.

When you do that, your mindset will shift. Instead of being someone who is always finding excuses about how the world is keeping them down, you'll be someone who gets things done and doesn't allow excuses control them.

Critical Task #3 - Drink a Gallon of Water

The next critical task is to drink one gallon of water each day. While this might sound like a lot of water (and a lot of trips to the bathroom) ... getting your body the water it needs to do its best is important.

Drinking plenty of water is something we should all be doing anyway, whether we're taking on 75 HARD, or just want to look and feel our best!

Why is this important?

Well, drinking water is easy. It's something we do every day. The problem is, it's very easy to overlook this task ... and get behind for the day.

Are You Drinking Enough Water?

The reason it's important to execute on this every day, is because we can't let the small details slip through the cracks, and turn into larger issues.

If we slip up and get behind on our water, not only are we not giving our body what it needs to operate at its best ... but we are also setting ourselves up to fail 75 HARD!

Learning how to execute on this simple task is extremely important, and something that can benefit you in several other areas of your life, not just with the program.

Critical Task #4 - Read 10 Pages

For critical task #4, you'll need to read AT LEAST 10 pages of a non-fiction, educational book, that can be used to improve any area of your life.

That can mean books about entrepreneurship, personal development, life improvement, or a job/career-related topic ... but regardless, you must read 10 pages (or more) of a non-fiction book every day.

Now, 10 pages is the bare MINIMUM. If you'd like to read more, that's perfectly fine!

You just need to make sure you physically read those 10 pages, meaning audiobooks don't count.

One great way to complete this 75 HARD rule is by reading 75 HARD: A Tactical Guide to Winning The War With Yourself. This is a book written about the program by the creator, Andy Frisella, who puts his lessons and experiences together in one amazing read!

Critical Task #5 - Take a Progress Picture

When you commit to doing 75 HARD, and truly follow the program perfectly ... the physical results will speak for themselves. You won't only see changes with your fitness level, but also how you carry yourself.

The first few pictures will be tough to take, just like taking the Starting/Day 1 Photos for our 8-Week Transformation Challenges in the 1st Phorm App that we hold several times per year...

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But, as you make your way through the program, and start to notice the physical changes taking place ... taking your progress pictures will become something you actually look forward to!

That said, the progress picture is the most failed Critical Task in 75 HARD, because it is so simple...

All you have to do is take a progress picture of yourself once a day, but it's extremely easy to forget.

Remembering to execute on this task each day can help teach you that every detail matters, whether that be your diet, exercise, water consumption, sleep, heck ... even the amount of stress that you face every day.

It all matters, as small and insignificant as it may seem.

And the most important thing to remember, is that you still need to execute on those small details, and overcome those little challenges ... every day, if you want to continue to progress toward your goals.

What Do You Do After 75 HARD?

So you’ve done 75 HARD, and you’ve worked diligently to create new habits that help you become the person you want to be. 

What's next?

This is where you need to keep your foot on the gas. Don't let all the momentum you've built come to a screeching halt.

The way I see it, you have a few options.

One is to continue moving forward with Andy Frisella's LIVE HARD program. LIVE HARD is a year-long program that consists of 4 segments: 75 HARD, Phase 1, Phase 2, and Phase 3.

LIVE HARD is like an ironman for your mind. It will transform you in ways you've never even considered possible.

Another thing to consider is maintaining all the habits you created over the past 75 days.

The point is, 75 HARD is your introduction to a life of challenging yourself and pursuing your potential.

Should you do 75 HARD?

Honestly, that's tough to say.

Can it help anyone? Absolutely!

Embracing the rules of 75 HARD, and developing the traits and habits necessary to succeed in life, can truly be beneficial for anyone.

But it can only help you if you commit to doing the work, and follow the game plan with zero excuses and zero substitutions.

If you aren't willing to do that, then 75 HARD isn't right for you.

That said ... 75 HARD is not easy, but if you want to learn the skills necessary to take complete control of your life, this program can help you do just that!

The crazy part ... it's absolutely, 100%, no-strings attached FREE to participate in.

Tap here to learn more about 75 HARD.

Are you ready to become a better, stronger, more driven version of yourself?

Get started with 75 HARD today!

IMPORTANT: It should be noted that you should always consult with your doctor before attempting 75 HARD, or any new physical activity, program, or exercise.

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